
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Just Like that Christmas is Over

I still feel as though I've missed something, or as if something is still to come?

It seems many of you feel the same with Thanksgiving being so late this year,
which trickled into Christmas decorating being late,
and Christmas coming early,
and just like's already over...and there is much I didn't share!

I was late in finishing my decorating, but I'm still in the Christmas spirit and not taking my decorations down just yet, so here is more Christmas at our house.

In the great room we have my misters favorite ... the nutcrackers.

Evenings in the great room.
We have to do a good bit of moving around and even removing some furniture to make way for the you?

Bella, our Himalayan, in her favorite spot.

Evenings in the keeping room...

You can see the Christmas in kitchen here
and in the dining room here! 

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas celebrating the most wonderful day of the year!


  1. Oh, everything is just gorgeous, Cindy! I am so glad you posted these photos even though Christmas is over, they are good inspiration for next year.

  2. Beautiful! I too am glad you posted! This year has been especially rushed here as well! Happy New Year Cindy.


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