Amaze Me Monday #301

Monday, February 11, 2019

Welcome to Amaze Me Monday #301!

So, what's the weather like where you are?  Here in NC it was a warm 75 degrees last week and the daffodils and cherry trees are already in bloom.  We are having a "false" spring as it will be getting cold again this coming week.  I hope this crazy February weather doesn't keep us from having a pretty "real" spring!

Common Ground ~ A Vintage Romance

Simplicity in the South ~ Vintage Modern Powder Room Remodel

Panoply ~ Purple Passion Fire and Ice Tablescape

The Bearded Hiker ~ BBQ Shrimp

Party Etiquette:

1.  Please, no advertising, link parties, or sales promotions.
2.  Please post recent content
3.  Please pin from the original source
4.  By joining this party you give me permission to share on this blog and social media.

I'm so glad YOU are here...let's party!
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  1. Well, it's cold and we are due to get a little snow in the next few days here in NJ. I am ready for spring though! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your week!

  2. Hi Cindy
    Still a normal winter in Colorado. We have had above normal snow so far which has been wonderful!

  3. We had a couple of warm days in the 50's here in SW Missouri, but then back in the deep freeze this last week. No budding anything around here. Thanks so much for sharing my Valentine post, Cindy!

  4. Dropped by from #ChasingMYLife and always happy to be here. Wishing you a WONDERFUL week.

  5. Thank you Cindy for your 301st Amaze Me Monday. Always appreciated.

  6. Thx for hosting Happy Valentine's Day.

  7. I think I will soon not post anymore tablescapes, maybe I lost my touch Cindy. I've been thinking about it more often this year.
    Thank you for the party.
    Happy Halloween.

  8. Thanks for hosting your party for us, Cindy! We have had similar weather to yours here in Alabama. Things are already blooming and birds are busy making their nests. We are supposed to have cold weather again soon...hope all the early bloomers make it!

  9. Thank you so much for featuring my powder room! You've truly made my day!

  10. thanks Cindy. Great party as always. xo- maryjo

  11. Thank you so much for hosting the party. Happy Valentine's Day, Kippi #kippiathome


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