
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Better Late Than Never...

When it hits, you are down for the count and hope it's not long before you're back on your feet again.
A stomach bug hit me early Sunday, so I was delayed in sharing this week's AMM features; better late than never!


Rattlebridge Farm ~ The Underporch

A Day of Small Things ~ Autumn Joy

Rosemary and Thyme ~ Fall Home Tour

Join us each week for AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  1. Loved that little girl and pumpkin.
    Don't forget to come and link your party at The Fabulous Fall/Link The Party!
    Happy Fall!

  2. I hope you are feeling much better. Our son has been down with something for a few days...and he said something is going around! It's that time of the year when viruses and such attack us sometimes. Take care of yourself. Sheila

  3. Is't that little girl a cutie? Sorry that you had a stomach bug already this fall. It seems there is always something going around with kids around though. Hope you have a great weekend- xo Diana

  4. Cindy, hope all is well now. The features are grand, each one!


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