
Friday, January 1, 2016

Reminiscing ~ Top Ten of 2015

It's already New Year's Eve and 2015 is coming to an end.
This seems like the fastest year ever, it has flown by!

I want to say that I so appreciate your friendship, encouragement, comments and for sharing in my life and're the BEST.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

It's always fun at year end to look back and reminisce,
so today I'm sharing the 10 top posts that were viewed by YOU!
Each will have a snippet and a link to the post.

This has been a year of settling back in after the kitchen remodel and great room makeover with a focus on using what I have in new and different ways to decorate our home; low to no cost decorating!

Silver dish turned candle holder.

Home Tour Fall 2015

Colonial farmhouse style great room with old shutters, ironstone and primitives.

And last but not least, we've shared much as we party together each week at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

Thanks so much for a great year sweet friend and I look forward to sharing 2016 with you!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. Cindy,
    I adored looking back at the "snippets" of your lovely home, dear friend!!!
    I do love seeing your swan (or is it a goose) in your Farmhouse Touches in the Great Room!!!
    Thank you for such an amazing linky party each week where I've met many new blogging friends!!!
    Looking forward to visiting and participating in 2016!!!
    Happy New Year!!!
    May all your hopes for 2016 come to be!!!

  2. All so beautiful Cindy! I think my favorite is the Colonial Farmhouse in the Great Room.
    Happy New Year!

  3. I love your style, Cindy. Happy New Year!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous, Cindy! Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

  5. Enjoyed looking through your past projects again. Love them all. Happy New Year.

  6. Lovely, lovely, such a warm and inviting home. Enjoyable post!

  7. Hi Cindy! Loved the trip down memory lane and all of your lovely posts. Happy New Year to you! Jane

  8. I love love your kitchen! Happy anew Year! Sheila

  9. Cindy, these are a great representation of you and how you put your heart into your home. I really enjoyed your Christmas home tour too - so pretty. I love your mix of red with white in your home. Happy New Year and may you be blessed in all you do.

  10. You've had a busy beautiful year, Cindy! That kitchen of yours is a dream. :)

  11. Hi ,Cindy I love you blog , you have a new follower forma Chile

  12. Cindy,
    Thank you for sharing your TOP TEN in 2015 with us at Show and Share. Looking forward to seeing what you do in 2016.



Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!