Amaze Me Monday #141

Monday, December 14, 2015

Welcome to Amaze Me Monday!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I can't wait to see what you've been up to, enjoy this week's features...

That Country Place ~ You Know It's Christmas...

Foothills Farmhouse ~ Simply Christmas

Life & Home at 2102 ~ Our Christmas Living Room

Please grab the "I Was Featured" button on my sidebar!

AMAZE ME MONDAY is a link party where you can share your 
vignettes, thrifty finds, projects, family treasures, remodeling, home tours, garden and anything amazing!

P a r t y  R u l e s : 

~ PLEASE place a link or my button to this blog IN your post.
If there is no link you will not be featured and/or could be deleted.

~ Please link only new posts and limit to three.

~ No Advertising of shops or etsy shops

Please ~ NO   L I N K Y   P A R T I E S!

~ By linking up you are granting Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home to use pictures and/or content to share as a feature on this blog and/or on social media.

So glad YOU are here, let's party!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Thank you Cindy! Love the features. The Christmas décor is beautiful.
    The bark looks amazing!

    1. Hi Cindy, this is my comment. Looks like there was a glitch. I don't know what happened.

  2. Thanks for hosting, Cindy! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  3. Cindy, I hope you're enjoying the holidays. Thank you for the party and showcasing the features here.

  4. Thanks for the party Cindy! We are getting closer and closer to Christmas...and it is hard to believe. It seems like it was just August a few days ago. Sheila

  5. Hi Cindy, Thanks so much for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  6. Thanks for hosting the fun party. Have a nice week.

  7. Beautiful features! Thanks as always for hosting Cindy. Hope your Christmas is filled with many wonderful blessings!

  8. Cindy,
    Amazing featured guests, dear friend!!!
    Oh, my goodness scrolling through this week's participants is mesmerizing!!!
    I could hardly take my eyes off all the gorgeous photos to link my post!!!
    Thank you for hosting Amaze Me Monday! each week!!!

  9. nom nom I LOVE white chocolate!! thanks for hosting us!

  10. Thank you so much for including my White Chocolate Bark with Cranberries & Apricots in your feature picks for this week, Cindy! It's such a nice treat to be featured on your beautiful blog. Have a fabulous week!
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground

  11. Thank you so very much for the feature Cindy!!!!!!! I truly appreciate your support! Mwah!

  12. Thank you Cindy for Amaze Me Monday 141. Love the features, love visiting, love joining in.

  13. Thankyou Cindy! Always a pleasure to mingle here. Mimi xxx

  14. Happy Holidays,'s hard to believe that Christmas is almost here. I've had all my decorating done since the end of October. I just couldn't get to writing posts and sharing much until now. Too many life interruptions, but I'm trying to get back into the swing. It's my favorite time of year to see all of the wonderful ideas out there. Thanks for sharing with your party!

  15. Loves the features and thank you for Amaze Me Monday.

  16. Thank you Cindy for hosting the great party, so many blogs that I want to visit. So glad that I'm snowed in an nothing better to do. lol Have a wonderful Christmas! xx Jo

  17. Thanks for hosting a great party. Hope your day is wonderful! Linda

  18. Gorgeous party this week, Cindy! Hope your week is off to a cheery start! Take care, Cynthia

  19. Cindy..thank you for hosting and for the shout out with your feature this week!! I am off to see what others have been up to as well. Take care :)

  20. I ahve been absent as I have been recovering from eye surgery. It's nice to be back to reading and being able to write a blog again!

  21. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season. Thank you for taking the time to host this link-up.



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