
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Rainbows and Sunsets



It's always exciting to see a bow of prismatic colors appearing in the heavens just after the rain;
even more special when two!

While at the beach for our annual week-long trip with mother and the girls in the family 
tropical storm Ana came and went, leaving a double rainbow.

A beautiful sight.
Reminder of a promise.  

Myrtle Beach, SC after tropical storm Ana.

Lasting only a short while; quickly fading from two to one.

To help put the distance of the rainbow in perspective,
do you notice anything at the very bottom of this picture?

Myrtle Beach, SC after tropical storm Ana.

Two people, walking along the water's edge.

The rainbows are so very far away.

double rainbow

A view down the coast line. 

Myrtle Beach, SC after tropical storm Ana.

Night fell as the final rainbow said goodbye.

Double rainbow after tropical storm Ana.

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting
covenant between God and all living creatures
of every kind on the earth."
Genesis 9:16


While the Mr. and I were watching a movie in the great room,
painted white and bright,
the walls quickly began turning to every shade of yellow and orange.

We looked at each other.
Then looked outside.
Surprised; finding the early evening sky as if it were on fire.

Our view was just above the trees and lasting only minutes.

evening sky - sunset


Our son is a photographer and lives across town.

The sunset; sky on fire.


"That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun
that there is no one besides Me.  
I am the Lord,
and there is no other."
Isaiah 45:6

I hope you have a wonderful weekend sweet friend!
Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comments; they mean so much to me!

Join us each week at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  1. This really is a gorgeous rainbow and awesome that you got a picture. I hope the storm wasn't too bad...they truly frighten me!

    Lots of good wishes that you had a great little visit and that there are more to come this summer!! :)

    Jane xx

  2. Gorgeous images, all of them!

  3. What great photos! I love to see a rainbow. One time when we were driving in Iowa (where it was flat) we saw a rainbow ahead of us- perfectly formed spanning across the road. The closer we got the brighter it got and then faded away...but we felt like we went under it. Sure enough- we looked behind us in the rearview mirror and it was still there-arching over the road. It was the oddest thing I had ever seen.
    It amazes me how many people are not aware of the significance of the rainbow. Beautifully verses here to explain it. xo Diana

  4. They are all amazing photographs and perfectly captured God's paintings!

  5. Cindy,
    Gorgeous photography!!!
    Being a vocalist. . .the song lyrics that come to my mind as I view each photo,
    "The Heavens are telling the Glories of God."
    Thank you for subtle reminders that our God is a constant and faithful God!!!

  6. Beautiful pictures, Cindy! I love the verses you chose to go with them, too. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  7. Oh, my,perfectly beautiful! Looks like postcards. Have lovely Lord's Day!

  8. Wow! Gorgeous pictures! I can never get enough views of sunsets and rainbows as each one is as different as a snowflake! Amazing pictures and the last one is truly frame-worthy! Thank you for sharing these most spectacular pictures!


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!