
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Shamrocks and Silver in the Keeping Room

 To keep from buying new plants for the screened porch each spring, I move them all indoors during the winter months.  They are kept in the exercise room and watered so I can use them year after year.  Two of them are shamrocks, one green leaf with a white flower and the other a purple leaf with light purplish-pink flower.  While watering I noticed they were full of blooms and wanted to be able to enjoy them so I added a few to the cupboard in the keeping room. 

white and purple shamrock

 I've recently polished some silver so I knew the perfect pieces to use,
a candy dish turned upside down with a small sugar dish on top.
After adding a little water to the sugar dish I placed cuttings from both plants inside.

shamrocks in silver

shamrocks in silver

white and purple shamrock

white and purple shamrock

white and purple shamrock

shamrocks in silver

shamrocks in silver

They are such dainty flowers and really add a touch of spring to the keeping room.  I am so ready for spring to get here!

Have a GREAT weekend!

For great features and inspriation hop on over for AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  1. So pretty! and I too, am so ready for Spring. What do you use for your silver polish? It looks so "clean" and pretty.
    Thank you!

    1. I used Wright's, anti-tarnish silver polish. It is liquid and available at the grocery store.

  2. I love shamrock plants! Pretty photos.


  3. How wonderful that your plant was blooming now - looks so springy and pretty in the display you've created.

  4. What gorgeous blooms on that plant! I have not seen one with so many flowers.

  5. I've been able to keep my oxalis over the winter, too. It was really blooming a couple of weeks ago. Yours looks lovely nestled in that silver bowl!!

  6. You have hit on one of my very favorite houseplants in the world. I absolutely love Shamrock. I used to give a new plant to each of my kids for St. Paddy's Day until I realized they killed each and every one. I will say that my own did not survive this winter I feel the need to buy some new ones coming on
    Love it in your polished silver They don't last long once cut but they are sweet while they do.. xo Diana

  7. You take very pretty pictures, Cindy! Enjoy!

  8. Cindy,
    Each year, I look for a shamrock plant. . .
    but my 'Luck of the Irish' does not avail!
    I haven't given up hope!
    In fact, seeing how gorgeous yours looks in the keeping room
    makes me more determined than ever!!!
    Wish me Luck, dear friend!!!

  9. Purty! I'm ready for Spring, too!

  10. Hi Cindy,

    So beautiful your decor!

    I loved the photos, congratulations!




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