
Friday, February 6, 2015

Bitten by the Bug!

While in Virginia visiting family I was bitten!

I haven't been doing anything crazy.

I'm a clean freak, always washing my hands.

Even so, I was bitten by the bug,




This morning I found enough energy to get this together
so that if you've been missing me
you'd know where I've been for the past few days
more than likely will be for the next few.

You have been missing me, haven't you?
I miss YOU and hope to be up and at 'em soon!


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Cindy! We are battling the same thing here. So far everyone (husband and 3 boys) have gotten it. I'm probably next!!!!

  2. Sure have, lady! Praying the bug flies away from you super soon and you are back, feeling better than ever.
    In the meantime REST and take good care of yourself!!

  3. Oh Cindy, I'm so, so sorry you caught the flu. I've had it enough times over the years to know that it really is the pits. It really knocks the stuffing out of you, that's for sure. I hope you feel much better soon, Cindy. Take care of yourself!



  4. Ugh...hope you feel better soon!
    Take care, Shelley

  5. I take zinc 50mg every night. Zinc boosts your immune system. When I start to feel like I'm getting something, I increase the zinc to 100mg twice a day and add Vitamin C 1000mg twice a day with it. Then before bed I make a hot toddy with lemon and honey and tell myself to drink it while it's hot (that's what my mom used to tell me) and in the morning I feel just fine. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Frame that precious picture. Love it. Feel better soon!

  7. Ugh, I hope you feel better soon. It ruined my January, but I started feeling like myself after about 10 days, only with low energy. Take care of yourself.

  8. On no! My husband seems to have it as well. Take that vitamin C! Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  9. Oh so sorry, I hear the flu is especially bad this year. Get well soon.

  10. Hope you feel better soon! Blessings to you.

  11. Oh no Cindy I had the flu last year and it stinks...fell better soon!!

  12. How dreadful! My son was sick this week, and I thought it may be the flu, but it was only a two day bug going around. The flu is just awful. Hope you got lots of good care and love! - Jell-O too!

  13. Oh no! I hope you get well quickly. So sorry.

  14. Sorry you have the flu! My primary care doctor yesterday asked if I'd had the flu shot, and when I said no, she said it wasn't that good this year anyway. I don't think I've had the flu more than twice in my life, knock on wood!

  15. Hoping you GET WELL SOON Cindy!!


  16. Awww, Cindy! I am so sorry you had the flu. You just never know what is going to bite you. I am a hand-washing freak, too, and I still got pneumonia...bacterial rather than viral. Go figure. Anyway, hang in there. I guess once you get over it you feel better really fast. I hope so for your sake. Blessings to you- Diana

  17. Oh, my goodness, so sorry! We have managed to escape it thus far. Hurry Spring!

  18. Oh, Cindy, I hope you feel better very soon! So far so good here except for a nasty respiratory virus that went around during the holidays. Glad that's behind me! Take care of yourself and rest well!

  19. Awwww it sure is a nasty one this year. Hope ur better quickly :-)


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