
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Little Life

The other day while at Lowe's,
I noticed a cart full of miniature house plants.

The first to catch my eye were the orchids, I had never seen any so tiny.
The blooms no bigger than a quarter.

There were several different shapes of flower,
each a different color,
but it was the white one that really got my attention.

Though I've never had much luck with orchids,
these were so dainty that I decided to give it another try
and thinking it would be nice to add a little life to the great room during these cold and dreary days of winter, I brought home a variegated Pothos and Peace Lily too.

I placed the orchid on the primitive hutch in an ironstone pitcher
used this Johnson Brothers blue and white casserole dish for the Pothos and Peace Lily.

I don't replant houseplants directly into my dishes.
To protect them I use plastic containers directly underneath the plant or to replant them in prior to placing plants into my dish.

For example,
to catch any overflow after watering,
just beneath the orchid in the ironstone pitcher is a small plastic storage container.

For the other,
I purchased two plastic plant saucers,
the type normally used to catch any water overflow from running onto other surfaces.
There are no holes in these plastic saucers for the water to drain from
which keeps any water from seeping into my dish.

Placing one saucer inside the other,
I then added potting soil and planted the two plants together.
After placing the plant saucer into the Johnson Brothers dish I covered the base with sheet moss.

When watering I am careful to water in the center of the plant,
just a little at a time,
so none will spill over the edges into my dish.
I also keep a few folded paper towels folded underneath as an added measure from any moisture.

Since I don't plant directly into the my dish,
there is also the option to remove the plant for watering,
and then return it back to the container once there is no worry from excess water.

In front of the couch is an antique trunk
where I keep a few of my favorite decorating books.

A silver dish to hold coasters and a remote,

An antique grain scoop that I've been using as a candle holder.

Adding a little life
during the cold and dreary days of winter
makes the day a little brighter.

Hope you are having a great week!

Join us each week for AMAZE ME MONDAY...

Sharing with: ScoopWowTreasure Hunt Thursday


  1. Pretty! Your orchid looked so beautiful in its pitcher, I thought it was faux (I bought one from Decor Steals that looks just like it!). Such a nice way to beat the winter doldrums.

  2. Cindy, these are beautiful! I'm always a little leary of putting live plants in old dishes; afraid the moisture will be absorbed into invisible cracks in the glaze. Have you ever had problems with that? I'd hate to ruin my dishes, but I'd LOVE to be a copy-cat! :-)

    1. Me too Susan, I would never want to damage any dishes and never plant directly into the dish. This is why I use the small plastic plant saucers to catch any extra water from watering or to plant them in prior to placing them into containers. I will go back elaborate on this a little more in the post. :)

  3. It's amazing what a little bit of green or a pop of color can do, isn't it? Lovely containers you chose too!

  4. I am in love with that grain scoop you used as decor. It made my pin board : )

  5. Love the life a simple plant brings to a room...especially during the winter doldrums. So pretty in your dishes, so smart of you to protect them with a liner. Jane

  6. Wish I had more natural light in my house for growing plants. The only place with light, my sunroom.

  7. It's very pretty! The moss you used around the plants, is it fake or real? It looks like tiny ferns in places, so I wondered if it real.

  8. Hi Cindy! Oh, what a sweet little orchid and it looks beautiful with your other plants. I really like that gorgeous lidded bowl you put them in. How smart to put them in the little plastic containers and the moss just finishes it off so nicely. I have a friend whose hubby raises orchids and he has them all over the house.I've never even tried to grow one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  9. Cindy,
    Gorgeous vignette with live plants, dear friend!!!
    I love how you've combined the peace plant with the pothos!
    This week while our temperatures are warm, I, too
    brought a peace plant home from our local Lowe's.
    Giving the plant time to adjust (about two weeks)
    before I have the 'Master Gardener' transplant it!
    Great minds!!!


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