
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Which Are You?

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

These days after I am curious...

Which are you?

Do you leave your Christmas decorations up for as long as possible?

Are they still up as you celebrate the New Year?

Or are you in a hurry to pack them away?

Ready to kick that tree to the curb?

It's kind of sad seeing all those trees by the curb.
Usually we have a live tree and put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving.  By Christmas the limbs are droopy and the needles are dropping off so I usually get right to it!  This year we didn't have a live tree so I may wait until after New Years...we'll see.

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Party starts every Sunday afternoon at 5:00 pm


  1. I leave them up until after New Years because my husband likes that. He would be thrilled if I left them up until Epiphany!! Personally, I would put them away sooner and start the new year with a clean slate. Pamela

  2. I like to leave everything up as long as possible--usually the first week of January although I have left the tree up even longer. I love the feeling of Christmas to last as long as possible. I feel sad when I see the trees at the curb the day after Christmas. To me it is like Christmas didn't mean anything, and I like the meaning of Christmas to last and last. I like a clean, orderly home so I have cut my decorating way back so it still looks festive yet not overdone. A touch here and there adds that holiday charm and spirit, but the house still stays neat and clean...

  3. I am ready to pack it all up, but I usually feel that Catholic guilt trip in packing away the nativity before the feast of the Epiphany, but I do it anyway, lol.

  4. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Cindy! Around here, we keep the Christmas decor up until New Year's Day. We like to enjoy it all for that extra week - especially since it has taken us so long to get everything out in the first place! Then it all comes down and gets packed away to start the new year!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  5. I like keeping up my white lights up till after "Little Christmas". Tree will be taken down New Year's Day, I don't have a live tree.

  6. Hi Cindy! I think we are going to get busy and take ours down a little more quickly this year, since the house is still on the market....and then there is the fact we move a bit slow these days.:-) We used to leave the tree etc. up until after New Years Day.

  7. The tree stays up until New Year's, but I pack up an area each day after Christmas until it's done. Why is taking it all down not nearly as fun as putting it all up? Ha! Enjoy your day!

  8. The decorations stay as long as possible, until at least Old Christmas Day on January 6th. I love the warm glow of lights and coziness of it all. Happy New Year to you and your readers!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. I usually take them down the week after New Years. I enjoy the decorations now that all the presents are gone and it is the tree and it's skirt. Too soon today for me!!!

  10. I usually take decorations including the tree down on New Year's weekend. However, I love my tree and I intend to leave it up until *I don't know when*. I informed my grandchildren I might leave it up all year and make it a seasonal tree. You know, Easter, Fall, Halloween, etc. Before you know it, it will be Christmas again. Let me tell you, they thought that was the coolest thing since ice cream! Their parents, of course, think I have lost my mind! I don't care!

  11. I like to leave mine up until after New Year's unless my schedule is very full - then I take it down when I have a free day.

  12. I leave mine up until after New Year's Eve. Usually, New Year's Day is a nice time for me to pack it all up ( with the arose Parade and football games on in the background).

  13. Our family is visiting us the week after Christmas this year so we will keep everything out this year until New Year's day.

  14. Why rush when it's not real and you have more time to remember the joy of the cherished mmoments! Only one of the 8 will stay up the the family room. The 2 grands' rooms, 2 in the living room, and back porch tree mightmight go next week! It's lonely if they all are packed away too soon! Happy New Year!

  15. We usually take everything down either New Years Day or the day after. We always get a live tree, so that's about as long as I can stand dealing with dropping needles and keeping it watered!

  16. Normally mine would be down Christmas afternoon or certainly the day after. But, this year we are not even having Christmas with our kids until next Tuesday night. So, up it will stay. I love enjoying them from right after Thanksgving until Christmas day but that's long enough for me.

  17. We take everything down after January 6 we wait for The Three Kings we always get a live tree we watered every other day to keeping it fresh.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!!!

  18. I didn't put up a tree, but had little vignettes that I already packed away.

  19. Back when I put up a tree, I always left it up until the new year.

  20. Since our winters are so long up here in NW Wisconsin, I usually leave our live tree up until the needles are falling off - sometime in February. We need all the cheer we can get. This year, however, we have our first fake (but really pretty!) tree. I might leave it up until March. It all depends upon how much sunshine we get this winter. If it's a dreary, gray winter, the tree will stay up longer to give us cheer. We'll see how it goes. :-)

  21. There are TWELVE days of Christmas so naturally, I leave my decorations up at least until Jan 6th (Epiphany) and usually longer. Christmas is such a special time of year, why not celebrate it for the FULL time period it is meant to be!

  22. Hi Cindy,
    We have a faux tree every year, as we are allergic to I leave mine up past New Years...usually I take it
    down after hubby goes back to work in Jan. but sometimes I leave all my decorations up till the middle of January,
    especially if I didn't get them up till a lil later in December. I love Christmas love leaving them
    up as long as possible..............
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
    Blessings for a Fantastic 2015, can hardly believe it is almost here...............


  23. Before I retired from teaching, I liked to take my decorations down before the New Year. Now, I have time to do it(leisurely) during the day so I wait until after January 1 -- whenever it fits in my schedule and mood. I love being retired!!! Thanks for hosting Amaze Me Monday every week. We get to share so many great ideas in one place! Happy New Year, Cindy!

  24. I usually decorate for winter with Christmas mixed in. This year I am already putting Christmas away. I really want to get the tree down but we have a get together on New Year's Day and I feel I have to leave it up to be festive!

  25. Truly, I wish I had my decorations all put away - but I'll have to start the new year with that task. I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  26. dear cindy, happy new year!!! love your sweet cat!!! hugs ,angie from germany


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