
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Touches in the Great Room

I wanted to show you the great room all decked out for Christmas!
This room has Mr. Hearts favorite decorations,
can you guess what they are?

He loves them!
So I've placed them on the fireplace beside his favorite chair.

In the bay window there are tiny trees and garland draped in lights and an antique window that glistens at night when the lights are on and it's dark outside.

Ellie-Mae is in one of her favorite spots.  She loves to wedge herself in between the back of the sofa and the cushion.

I've placed a few acorn ornaments in a glass hurricane with snowflakes sprinkled in the bottom and a jingle bell wreath around the base.

Christmas birds are here, there, and everywhere.

I've been enjoying this one and you can see how I made it here, Christmas Bird Centerpiece.

This is the first year I can remember that we didn't buy a live tree and I have to admit it's been great not having to water or clean up fallen needles, but I do miss the smell of a fresh cut tree.  I've been burning Fresh Balsam candles from Bath & Body Works and they smell wonderful!

And the angel said unto them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people..."
Luke 2:10

I still have lots of shopping to do, are you finished?

Join us each week for the party!  
Great features this week, hop on over there's still time...AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  1. Cindy your room is just beautiful! Love the Christmas tree - it looks real! Every detail in the room is wonderful. The bird centerpiece is precious as well is Ellie Mae on the sofa! I don't blame her for wanting to sit there- what a great view!

  2. Almost finished with shopping, but if I had that beautiful room to sit in next to the cozy fire, I wouldn't leave the house at all! So lovely.

  3. HI Cindy! Oh, I love this room too! All of your Christmas touches are wonderful. The tree is so pretty and I love the window sill. Little Ellie Mae is adorable.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Just so beautiful...every.single.thing. No, my shopping is NOT all finished :(

  5. Cindy, Everything is just lovely.. The pops of red and gold amidst the green is so festive. Thanks for sharing:) Have fun and enjoy the season! xxleslie

  6. What a beautifully decorated home Cindy - very warm and inviting! Love all your cute vignettes around the room too. Merry Christmas!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  7. Lovely Cindy! Barely a dent in my shopping. *sigh

  8. Beautiful tree Cindy! Your slipper bench looks pretty in front of the fireplace!

  9. Your room is gorgeous. Yes, I am done with everything that is going to be done!

  10. Would it sound weird to say that is a GREAT great room? lol I do love it all. My friend collects nutcrackers, too. She keeps hers out all year long (yep-she is THAT person). lol
    I have my shopping done save for one gift card and one ornament. But now I have all that WRAPPING to do. Wish I had some magic elves to help me with that!
    Have a wonderful pre-Christmas week, sweet Cindy. xo Diana

  11. Cindy, your great room looks so pretty and festive! I love every single detail! I can imagine the wonderful scent of your candle. We've been doing the same thing, since we don't have a live tree this year. The house still smells amazing! I hope you are taking time to enjoy that beautiful room!

  12. Yes, your tree looks very real and I love the Willow Tree nativity. Lovely!

  13. How beautiful decoration! These white birds are so cute and the golden acorns are awesome!

    Carpet cleaning Chelsea

  14. Really beautiful, Cindy. I got some acorn ornaments this year too. Love how you displayed them.

  15. Cindy, Your great room is beautiful. The nutcrackers are perfect and I love the nativity scene, and your sweet little birds.
    Speaking of sweet...that Ellie-Mae is just the sweetest, tucked in her favorite spot on the sofa. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.

  16. Such a stunning room! I love your angel tree sweet!!!!
    Wishing you and your family a vey Merry Christmas!!!

  17. I just knew it was the nutcrackers! Your home looks beautiful.

  18. Merry Christmas....your room looks so lovely and cozy!! I had to smile about your pup...princess Posie cat likes that very same position at our house. We call the end of the sofa her "look out point". From there she can see most of the rest of the house, and keep us all under surveillance.
    Blessings to you,

  19. It's just beautiful, Cindy!! Your home is so warm and welcoming. Your new hardwood floor is just glowing! I love nutcrackers, too, and we have quite a few here. I especially love the clock on your end table -- gorgeous!

    Ellie-Mae is too cute. There's no way our wild Duncan would lay quietly like that. :) I enjoyed your pictures, Cindy -- have a wonderful weekend!



  20. Hi Cindy! Your living room is just lovely. I am still sitting in the airport on my way back home after traveling to see my grand daughter dance in the "Nutcracker". I can see why your husband likes his nutcrackers...they are a great Christmas décor item but with a masculine touch. Your tree looks great...I would not have known it was not real.

  21. Hello Cindy,
    This is my first visit. What a cozy room! That is one handsome nutcracker and Elli-Mae is a cutie! Love the angel at the top of the tree, too. So much eye candy and none of it at all fattening! The best kind. Lol
    Merry Christmas!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas


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