
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Showy Gift!

Every year this time we receive a gift.

Even though I know it's coming, each year I am more captivated...

They show up like clock work.

In October small white buds appear and by Thanksgiving they are blooming with a few flowers lasting through Christmas...

Maybe it comes with being a year older, the reason I'm more captivated each year by these dainty flowers that put on a show of color...

Slowing down and taking time to notice, 
to look close,
to ponder how they come to be?

"Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created."
Revelation 4:11

Are they Christmas or Thanksgiving Cactus?

I've read the way to distinguish between the two is to look at the shape of the flattened stem segments.  On the Thanksgiving cactus, the stem segments each have 2 to 4 saw-toothed projections.  The stems on the Christmas cactus are more rounded.

Mine are definitely saw-toothed so they are Thanksgiving cactus...

The flowers trail so I keep them elevated on pedestal dishes and cake stands.

I moved these in the kitchen window to enjoy,
and even though they are up on a pedestal still a few of the blooms touch the counter...

What do I do to receive this special gift year after year?
Water them!
I keep them indoors during the winter,
in early Spring I place them on the screened porch,
and then in late fall when the temperatures start to fall I move them back indoors for the show to begin!

They come in many colors,
most of mine are pink and salmon...

Have a showy gift that keeps on giving year after year?  Maybe a Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus...

Join us each week for AMAZE ME MONDAY...


  1. I know what you mean, Cindy. I posted about this very thing last year! They should be called Thanksgiving Cactus...I even had one that started to bloom around Halloween! All of mine are in my office window sill at work...I have was just given as a gift in full bloom last Christmas and there is not a bud or bloom in sight on it! The other two are in different stages of bloom this very moment. There is nothing quite as heavenly looking as that bloom, is there? Don't want to leave without telling you your photos are just stunning!

  2. Wonderful pictures of a wonderful gift! And a wonderful post for calming down!
    Have a happy holiday season and all my best from Austria

  3. My step-Mom gave me one of these 3 years ago and it is amazing every year. It is so full of buds right now and in another week it will be in full bloom. Just beautiful! Mine is a Christmas catus. Yes, your pictures are beautiful!

  4. You have reminded me of my parents. They each had different varieties that they called their own. In all my years now in a home of my own I haven't grown Christmas or Thanksgiving cactus. I think there is a Mother's Day or Easter one too. Not sure.
    Beautiful scripture.

    Your photos of them are exceptional. Thank you for the tip about how to tell the difference between the two varieties and to elevate pot on a compote or cake stand. Great idea. Found you from Common Ground.

  5. Those are lovely and something great to enjoy during the cooler months.

  6. So pretty!
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  7. So pretty!! They grace your lovely new kitchen beautifully! Thanks for telling us how to tell the Thanksgiving and Christmas cactuses apart. I've always wondered.

  8. Cindy, your Thanksgiving cactuses are just lovely! These have always been a favorite plant of mine; my mom has had the same one for years (it's pretty big). :) Your photography really is amazing -- I'm always so impressed with your closeups and nature shots. These pics are especially awesome. :-D The cactus plants look sooo pretty in your wonderful new kitchen, Cindy!

    Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

    Warm hugs,


  9. Those flowers are amazing and I love their soft colour.

  10. They're gorgeous blooms! I didn't realize there was a Thanksgiving variety. I haven't had one of these in years.

  11. So pretty~ Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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