
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 ~ What A Year!

2014 ~ What a Year!
It was one of dreaming, planning, remodeling, and more.
It's been dusty, frustrating, fun, surprising, and well worth it in the end.  Here are some of the most viewed and my favorites shared throughout the year.

The great room started with dark paneling and dingy carpet and here's a little about the transformation.
It's Gonna Get Dusty and boy did it!

To make way for the new kitchen we had to Say Goodbye to the den, one of our favorite rooms in the house.

There are ups and downs with remodeling and I shared a few along the way,

Some Candle Burning Tips and how I get the most for my candle buck.

Something I have been longing for, The New Kitchen Window ~ A Special Place.

The front entry, Keeping it Simple.

We kept the porch simple and then nature shows up in our Simple But Lively Front Porch.

Who doesn't need a little Sunshine on a Rainy Day?

This room went through a lot of changes ~ Guest Room Reveal.

Hopes and dreams for our Farmhouse Kitchen with a Twist.

There were many remodeling updates and this one included our Kitchen Design.

It is finally finished!  A tour of our NEW Farmhouse Style Kitchen.

A closer look once as we began settling in the Kitchen & Keeping Room.

We finish the year with a tour of our home Ready to Celebrate Christmas.

And last but not least,
we've shared much as we party together each week at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

Thanks so much for a great year sweet friend,
I'm looking forward to 2015!

Sharing with:Wow Us Wednesday


  1. What a fabulous year it has been following along as you've completed so many projects at your house! Your kitchen is one of my favorite kitchens ever! I chuckled when I saw the picture of your grandma at the kitchen sink because it looks like my kitchen window and I even have a chalkboard sign hanging there that looks a bit like the frame your grandma has in her window. I may look just like her one day, working away at my sink while looking out into my lush back yard!
    Blessings to you in the new year dear Cindy,

    1. She does remind me of my Granny which is why I chose this picture, the source link to it is just below. How wonderful to have a kitchen window like this Patricia and the frame too. She was an amazing grandmother and I still miss her so!

  2. Happy New Year, Cindy! So beautiful!...Christine

  3. I'll never get tired of looking at your beautiful new kitchen Cindy!! Wishing you all the best in 2015!!

  4. Cindy I'm sure that you are so happy with the beauty of your home now. It is always worth going through the frustration of remodeling because after everything is so bright and lovely. Happy New Year! Jo

  5. Everythings looks amazing, Cindy...I know you must be just thrilled with results. Many blessings to you in 2015!

  6. All of your projects this year turned out great. Love it all.


  7. Happy New Year, Cindy. Your kitchen turned out just gorgeous! You must really be enjoying it after all that work! I love the white bedding in the guest room, too...dreamy! :) Lots to pin here!!

  8. What a busy and exciting year you've had! I'm still drooling over your new kitchen. Can't wait to see what you'll plan for 2015! Happy New Year!

  9. Such dramatic and lovely changes in your home this year. Thanks for sharing...I never tire of your beautiful style. New Year's blessings to you! Jane

  10. What a wonderful and busy Year you had!
    Great transformations!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    Wising you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!


  11. You have had quite the eventful year, Cindy!

    I love how the kitchen turned out, and I about to embark on something similar on a smaller scale.

    Happy New Year, my friend, and may all of the Lord's richest blessings be yours!


    Sheila :-)

  12. Cindy,
    A fabulous look back at 2014, dear one!!!
    Being 'new' to your blog, I'm looking forward
    to what 2015 holds for Dwellings ~ The Heart Of Your Home!

  13. What a busy year! Love your kitchen. That window and those curvy trim for your glass doored cabinets. Beautiful! And the red chairs! A favorite color of mine too! Happy New Year! Linda

  14. Your home is absolutely beautiful! I love your guest bedroom and your kitchen looks amazing!


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