
Friday, November 21, 2014

Wedgwood China ~ Blue & White

Standing at the kitchen door, it was early morning when I noticed them.
Pink, delicate, and shining bright in the morning light,
so I brought a few in...

So cold outside,
it's amazing these delicate Camellia blooms can withstand such temperatures...

I've been itching to place my Wedgwood Romantic England china in the new glass front cabinets.  While doing so these pieces were added for a little vignette...

Coming from a windowless kitchen
I am thrilled beyond measure to now have windows in the kitchen.

The sun streaming in,
filling the room with light and warmth on this cold November day...

I've been unpacking and filling cabinets,
from early morning until the setting sun,
enjoying these delicate blooms...

I've heard there have been history breaking low temps in all the states!
Anything still blooming in your area?

Thanks so much for coming by...


  1. We have plenty of pink camellias in our yard too! One of the cotillion groups in Mobile hosts the "Pink Camellia Ball" on Thanksgiving and the girls carry massive bouquets of these beautiful flowers.

  2. Oooh...these are just gorgeous and your photos are breathtaking. I love how the light is glistening through the vase! Stay warm!

  3. Beautiful! Love the different angles of light!

  4. Your pink flowers are gorgeous near the blue and white Wedgwood. I adore blue and white! Not much is blooming here. Im thankful for market flowers:)

  5. These are so sweet (and a gorgeous photo!!)! We don't grow those here. :(

    Jane x

  6. What gorgeous photos! Did you use a special lens or setting? Nope, don't think anything is still blooming.

  7. Cindy, your posies are so sweet. I've shared some of my blue and white china this week too. I took a peek at your new kitchen and it is gorgeous! You must be over the moon happy with it. You have a beautiful window! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.


  8. I love camellias.♥ Ours are blooming, too.

    Enjoy and savor every moment in your wonderful new kitchen.

  9. Gorgeous capture of the light!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. STUNNING photos Cindy!! I was hoping to see those pretty dishes in your cabinets:-)

  11. How beautiful, Cindy! The light streaming in through your new windows is just so warm and cozy looking! I'm sure you're having a great time filling up your new cabinets.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. How lucky that you still have flowers blooming!
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  13. Your camellias are absolutely beautiful! Mine are budded but not open yet and I cannot wait! Have a lovely weekend.

  14. Sorry, our freeze last week wiped out all the flowers. This one you shared is simply beautiful. What kind is ti?

  15. Most of my flowers have bit the dust now with the cold temperatures we have been experiencing...Love your gorgeous camellias...

  16. Hi Cindy,
    Loved all your photos, they were all so gorgeous. You do a great job on your photography hon. Those camelias are
    so pretty and feminine, love how they looked with your china and crystal, so elegant.
    So are you having Thanksgiving at your house this year, or going somewhere?? With all that is going on here I am
    so thankful Megan and Scott offered to do a brunch at their house, then since it will just be us and Dee and Jerry,
    we are going to Cracker Barrel for something different, and actually looking forward to it......Dee said Mom after all
    yall have had going on, let's just make it easy, so we are. Am gonna try and do a nice dinner on Sunday after
    Thanksgiving to celebrate Megans birthday, so that should be fun too............and will be like our Thanksgiving,
    food wise...........other than dessert, Megan loves strawberry shortcake!! lol

    Hope yall have a lovely Thanksgiving whatever you do. I am thankful for you sweet Friend, you are such a sweet
    spirited lady...........and pretty too.............inside and out..........

    Love and Blessings,

  17. Gorgeous pink camellias paired with blue and white china equals timeless beauty:) Beautiful photography! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Poppy

  18. The flowers are beautiful, Cindy, and I'm sure just about anything you place in that gorgeous kitchen will look incredible! Even though we are having some chilly days (50's & 60's is chilly for us), we have colorful pots of Vinca, Alyssum, mums & a pot full of herbs all basking in the sunshine and happily enjoying the chill after a very hot summer!


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