
Saturday, February 22, 2014


We have quite a few painters in our family,
but unfortunately I'm not one of them.
To be honest, I don't even draw good stick people!  Seriously, mine don't look good at all!

However, I can turn my photos into water colors and you can too, with no artistic talent needed...yippee!

Like this picture I took of our snowy front porch...

transformed into a water color...

A cardinal pair...
(the original photo on the right side)


Our snow covered house...

Isn't that just the coolest thing!
And so simple, all you need is the Waterlogue app on your cell phone and it's only $2.99!
I can't wait for Spring, I'll be snapping a picture of the house to frame.

How about you?  Are you artistic, or like me and very appreciative for helpful apps!

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  1. Hi Cindy,
    Waterlogue does amazing things! I'm embarrassed to say I don't have any apps on my phone, but I'll ask my computer geek if he can add that to our home computer, and then try it out:)

  2. LOVE that app, wish someone would come up with it for blogging!

  3. Hi Cindy. Magnificent. Someone else posted about this app also. I love it, but I think I might have a problem. My cell phone is about 1910 model!! Does it have to be a new phone..Love the one of your house..Happy Weekend..Judy

  4. Morning Cindy,
    Wow, I love how those looks, very nice! I have water color on my photoshop, but never really think it looks good, a lot of times it comes out really dark and ukky looking.........Love the looks of this.........
    My cell phone is so old is doesn't even take Course, that is my fault cause I don't want to go to a new phone cause it took me long enough to learn to work this one, and that is not very
    Good news, the same day I wrote you my eye started to drain and is gone now. Yeah!! I feel like celebrating!! lol

    Have a good weekend hon, and have fun playing with that app............really like that!!

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I've been seeing people do that on Instagram but haven't bought the app yet!


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