
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

She's So N-o-s-e-y!

Yes...that's a NOSE!

So, what do you do when it's cold and snowy outside?

At our house a snowy day is the perfect day
for Ellie-Mae and Bella to get a bath and a brushin'!

We started with Bella and the brush.

Bella and I are inside the bathroom
Ellie-Mae Miss Nosey is trying her best to peek in from under the door...

Nosey wants inside...
and Bella wants out... 

Next it was the three B's for Ellie-Mae...
blowin' dry!

Afterwards she headed outside, but only for a minute...
she came running back because it's c--o--l--d out there!

More snow is on the way.
Hope you are staying warm!

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  1. What a darling 'nosy" puppy and your beautiful kitty! Pets are the best company:)

  2. Oh Cindy, this is the cutest post! :-D I love the pictures! That is so typical of dogs and cats. Our Scotties were always nosy, and our outside cat was too. MacDuff used to follow us from room to room just to see what we were doing. Hal and I used to say we had never realized how fascinating we were. :) Your cat is a beauty; Bella is a perfect name for her. Your dog is darling -- what breed is she?

    Did you get snow today? We're due for some tomorrow, so I stocked up at the grocery store today. Have a good evening, Cindy!

    Warm hugs,


  3. That little nose is so cute peeking under. Our Belle gets a bath most Saturdays. She actually comes in the shower and she loves it.

  4. This is so cute!! I thought kitties didn't like water. I used to bring my previous dog to a groomer up at the lake because she was very inexpensive compared to here at home. The problem was, he loved to jump in the lake as soon as he got back and that totally ruined the nice shampoo job!

    I notice you have some flowers in your outside funny with the snow, too!


  5. Great post - they are always so nosy when they can't be where you are to see what your doing. When I come home two nose's are peaking out under the gate. LOL
    Stay warm.

  6. Your cat lets you groom her? That is amazing. Your animals are adorable. Our dogs go to the groomers every two weeks. I do not have the patience to do it myself.

    Do they get along?


  7. Hi Cindy! OH, little Bella's nose is so cute poking under the door! Love her running to get back into the house too! ;) You're a good mommy to your little fuzzy faces! Stay warm.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. CUTE! My poodle always knew when it was bath time and would go and hide. Then she would go look at herself in floor length mirror and bark. Miss her! Stay warm and safe, hear your weather is going to be a bad one.

  9. LOL. They are soooooooo cute! Don't you wonder what they do when we turn our backs???

  10. Love that nose picture!! And your kitty is gorgeous :)

  11. Your girl looks like my Gidget who also loves to poke her nose out from under the doors and gates too. It is a good thing she is on the same side of the door as I am most of the time.
    I bathe my girls in the shower. They actually like to feel the warm water hitting them while they are cradled in my arms.

  12. Darling, darling animals! Oh my! xoxo Jen


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