Amaze Me Monday #44

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome to Amaze Me Monday!

Hi Sweet Friends, did you  notice anything different about my blog?
It has a fresh new look thanks to the amazingly talented Linda of Life and Linda.
It's still a work in progress, so thanks for your patience during the transition.

It all started with the AMM party!
Babs from Upstairs Downstairs shared how Linda helped her solve some blog issues she was having and I was having issues too, so one thing led to another and I now have this new blog design...thanks Babs!

I can't say enough about Linda...she listens, offers suggestions, very patient, and reasonably priced.  Did I mention she is very patient?!  If you need any buttons, headers, or a brand new look for your blog...I highly recommend her!

Have some great features to share with you this week.  Enjoy the three most viewed and an extra one too!
Let's partay'...

#3 ~ Bella's Rose Cottage shares her Fancy Iced Cookies...

#2 ~ D.D.'s Cottage and Design ~ Green Chippy Milk Paint Dresser...

#1 ~ My Place to Yours ~ Old House Renovation Story...

and just because I fell in love with this homes history and charm,
Thoughts from Alice, Embracing Imperfections of an Older Home...

Please grab the "I've Been Featured" button on my sidebar!

We pour our hearts into our homes so share your...
Vignettes, Thrifty Finds, Projects, Family Treasures,
Remodels, Home Tours, Garden...

Some do's please...

1. Place a "back link" to AMAZE ME MONDAY in your post.
(Not a mass link page.)  (Please link back so your entry won't be deleted.)
2. To link your post: Link the web address of your post NOT your blog home page.
3.  Please link NEW posts only and limit to three.
4.  Please be a follower of my blog.
5.  For Pinterest Pins, PLEASE click the link and pin from the original source.
6.  Please visit a few other links and leave a sweet comment.

NO   l i n k y   p a r t i e s   p l e a s e.

So glad YOU are here, let's party!

(Where are the pictures?
Unfortunately Linkytools, the party provider, experienced a problem with their system and the images associated with the links were lost.  However, the links associated with the titles are still active, so please enjoy the party.  Everyone gets hiccups every now and again...Thank you for your patience and understanding!)
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Cindy! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting Amaze Me Monday, Cindy.
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Hi Cindy,

    What a beautiful new look for your lovely blog! Such pretty features, too! Thanks for hosting and have a great week!


  4. Thanks so much for hosting Cindy. Have a wonderful week! Jane

  5. Great features, Cindy. Those cookies look too pretty to eat! And I met Susan this week (over linens, smile) from My Place to Yours - lovely that she's featured. I like your blog layout changes too. Nice to know referenced work - thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow, Cindy...thank you so much for the sweet compliment. I love how you used the word, patient. You and I know what it takes to make a blog work. We have late hours under our belt. I applaud you for hanging in there, while I worked. The cookies are quite lovely. I want to bake some. Lovely features! Enjoy your new look!

  7. Thank you very much for hosting and for featuring my chippy dresser Cindy. You always do such a great job.
    Have a good week!

  8. Cindy, I noticed your lovely new makeover immediately! How wonderful to have found someone that is so wonderful to work with. The blog feels so fresh, now. :)

    Hope your week is extraordinary!!!

    P.S. Be sure to come back to "my house" tomorrow at 8 PM ET to link up your favorites.

  9. Love your new look, thanks so much, Cindy!

  10. Bellas' fancy iced cookies are my favorite - I have to go look and see how she does it!
    It's always fun to have a new blog design - enjoy the pretty:)

    And see how to 'back link' - next week I want to be part of this wonderful Monday feature of yours!

  11. Love the makeover! I thought your "old" one was fantastic, this one is beautiful too!! Fresh and spring like...who isn't ready for that! Blessings! ♥

  12. Cindy,
    How do I place a back link? I don't know how to do that. Do I just mention your post IN my post? But then how do you get my posts' link? Please help, thanks!

  13. Hi, Cindy! So happy to be joining the party this week! Thanks so much.

  14. Congrats on the great new look. I live the new featured button!

  15. Thanks for hosting Cindy. Love joining in. Have a great week.

  16. Cindy, I love your new blog design! I was surprised to see it when I arrived here -- but not as surprised as seeing my home on your site. Wow. What a nice surprise! Thank you for the feature. I just linked up this week's room: our Study/Trophy Room. Now I'm off to check out those other features... Enjoy your week!

  17. Hi Cindy...I noticed your new design right looks so beautiful! Thank you for hosting and have an awesome week!

  18. Lovely new look!! Thanks for hosting another great party! Enjoy your week.

  19. Your new blog design looks great Cindy, but I've always thought you had a beautiful blog. I may have to use Linda's services one of these days; she does such a nice job. :)

    Thank you for hosting Amaze Me Monday -- I hope you have a great week!!



  20. Great blog and great new look! So happy to be joining in on your fun today!

  21. Thank you for hosting Amaze me Monday!

  22. Thanks for letting me join in on the fun!


  23. Thanks so much for featuring me! It is an honor!

  24. Thank you so much for the party Cindy. Have a lovely and warm week.

  25. Hi Cindy,
    thank you for hosting.
    I am joining in this week and I am off to visit others!

    White Spray Paint blog

  26. Those cookies look amazing! Thanks so much for hosting, Laura

  27. Thanks so much for hosting Cindy...have a great week!

  28. yes, your blog looks great, bright and fresh! just did an overhaul to mine too, another great party,

  29. Hi Cindy,
    Hope this finds you doing well hon. You made some good picks for the week, my fav is those amazingly beautiful cookies.........only I wouldn't want to eat them they are so
    Thanks for hosting hon..................We appreciate you. Also loved your post for today with all those wonderful shots
    of birds...........just beautiful..........
    Blessings, Nellie

  30. Beautiful and welcoming as always-I am a little late, visiting a daughter and celebrating my little granddaughters first Birthday!
    Thank you for the party!


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!

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