Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Are things getting back to normal for you?

We will be getting together with friends for New Years Eve
and with our family again for dinner on New Years Day, so I'm looking forward to that.
How do you spend New Years?

Enjoy the three most viewed
and then link up...can't wait to see what you share!

#3 ~ Shana of Our Feathered Nest shares pretty

#2 ~ Christine of Little Brags shares her home with us in her

#1 ~ Poppy of Poppy View shares her love of the color red
in adding Christmas touches to her hutch in

Please grab the "I've Been Featured" button on my sidebar!

 Let's get on to this weeks party, can't wait to see what you've been up to!
We pour our hearts into our homes so share your...
Vignettes, Thrifty Finds, Projects, Family Treasures,
Remodels, Home Tours, Garden...

Some do's please...

1. Place a "back link" to AMAZE ME MONDAY in your post.
(Not a mass link page.)  (Please link back so your entry won't be deleted.)
2. To link your post: Link the web address of your post NOT your blog home page.
3.  Please link NEW posts only and limit to three.
4.  Please be a follower of my blog.
5.  For Pinterest Pins, PLEASE click the link and pin from the original source.
6.  Please visit a few other links and leave a sweet comment.

NO   l i n k y   p a r t i e s   p l e a s e.

So glad YOU are here, let's party!
(Where are the pictures?
Unfortunately Linkytools, the party provider, experienced a problem with their system and the images associated with the links were lost.  However, the links associated with the titles are still active, so please enjoy the party.  Everyone gets hiccups every now and again...Thank you for your patience and understanding!)
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. I just adore Poppy's style....what a pretty feature! Thanks so much for the party, Cindy and Happy, Happy New Year! :) Kim

  2. Thanks so much for hosting, Cindy. I am so happy to hear you are enjoying your new camera.

    We usually spend New Years Eve at home and most of the time fall asleep before midnight.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Cindy,

    Thank you for this sweet surprise; what a joy! Also, want to thank you for hosting such a great party every week; I always look forward to it!

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year; all the very best! Enjoy your festivities!


  4. Hi Cindy! Hope your Christmas was wonderful! Mine was. Can you believe the year is almost gone? Well, thank you again for hosting your fun party and we'll continue next year!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Hi Cindy, All lovely features. Thank you for hosting .
    Wishing you a wonderful and Happy New Year!

    The French Hutch

  6. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for the party!! Happy New Year!!


  7. thanks for hosting, Cindy, here's wishing you a Happy New Year!!

  8. I actually linked up with you today.. its my first party.....Yeah! Have a great Sunday.. Blessings!

  9. Thanks for all of the fun parties this year! Happy New Year my friend!

  10. Thank you for hosting this party and all the others this year! Happy New Year to you!

  11. Hi Cindy, thanks for hosting as we wrap up 2013 and reflect on our year's activities. I'm loving your photos taken with your new camera, and can't wait to see more in your posts in the coming year. Happy New Year!
    Rita C. at Panoply

  12. Cindy, I hope your Christmas was wonderful. Thank you for hosting and hoping that 2014 holds many blessings!

  13. Cindy, thanks so very much for featuring me here today!!! And thanks so much for the wonderful weekly party's all year! Happy New Year. Christine from Little Brags

  14. Hi Cindy...I hope you don't have my 3 attempts trying to link up to the party in your inbox!?? I don't know what I am doing wrong,but I get to the end of the link up process and it says that I have been entered successfully, but I don't see it with the other party goers? Thanks for your help and I hope to join in one of these times!!

  15. Hi Cindy, First of all thanks for a great blog party and for sharing so many events with us this year. I'm looking forward to joining you and the group here in 2014 for more shared fun. So far we have no plans for New Year's Eve,,,we had a grand time with our son and his family for Christmas and we all took a day trip to Nashville to visit the Parthenon! Our grandchildren loved it! . Now dreaming of a trip to "The Parthenon in Athens!

  16. Lovely features and what a beautiful green hutch. Thanks for hosting!

  17. Wishes for a very happy new year, and thanks for hosting this gathering of inspiration.♥

  18. Thanks so much for hosting, Cindy! Happy New Year!

  19. This is my first visit and time sharing with your Amaze Me Monday posts! Happy to be here!

  20. New Years Eve has been quite a celebration for me for almost 22 years - my youngest son was born at 4:30 PM on December 31st! It's fun to know that where ever he goes, there will be a party on his birthday! He has had many, many sleep-overs for his birthday parties and I can say with certainty that I will not miss that! It was brutal! Anyway - thanks for hosting! I think it's my first time here! Have a wonderful, healthy and happy New Year!

  21. Thank you for hosting Cindy! I'm so glad to have found your blog and you! CHEERS to 2013 and to 2014 ahead!!!!

  22. Happy New Year and thank you for hosting such a creative party. Love Poppy's green cupboard.

  23. Thank you so much for featuring me!! Happy New Year to you! :)


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