
Thursday, September 19, 2013


I do love an all white kitchen; so cheerful, light and bright.

We are leaning towards white parameter cabinets

and a cherry island for our kitchen remodel

and hope to incorporate a nod to the past

so it will look and feel as though the new kitchen has been in our home for a long, long, time.

Sometimes I find myself second guessing the white kitchen parameter idea.  I've noticed that many kitchens with a historic flair seem to have deep wood tones and also incorporate stone on the walls and floors.  Take a peek at these beauties...

We will have an eating area to the side of our new kitchen.

These are charming and look as though they've been around since way back when...

Since we have dark brazilian cherry floors and will more than likely have a cherry island,
we've decided on an 1800's walnut cupboard that we think will be perfect for our kitchen dining area.
Here she is, at the shop waiting for us to bring her home...

Only problem is where to keep her until our kitchen remodel is finished, especially considering we haven't even started the tear out yet!

How about you?
Do you like a kitchen that looks like it's been around since way back when, even though it's new?

Would love to hear your thoughts...

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  1. I do love kitchens that don't look shiny, sparkling new.. I guess you'd say I like the kinda worn look!

    Some gorgeous kitchens.


  2. Hi Cindy,

    Your walnut cupboard is just charming!! I know you are SO excited about your kitchen re-do. Yes, I do love a kitchen with a historic feel. When we began our kitchen renovation, I was looking at lots of pictures of English country kitchens. I love English kitchens, and my favorite thing about them are those wonderful, shiny, cream-colored Agas! I think we captured some of the English feel with our yellow walls, framed botanicals, white appliances, and my blue and white dishes. Wooden counter tops would have been more in line with an English kitchen, but I just don't feel those are practical for us. They're beautiful, but not practical. I can't wait to see your finished kitchen because I know you'll make great choices. :)

    Have a great day!



  3. Hi Cindy,

    Your honey coloured hutch will look so pretty and old world in your new kitchen, whatever style you end up choosing. When we built our home, I KNEW I wanted a creamy white kitchen, but it HAD to be warm and inviting, which I acquaint with older, historic style kitchens. Open shelving, wainscoting and bright pops of bric-a-brac, I think, give my new kitchen a sense of coziness and comfort. Reusing an old walnut -stained table as an island breaks up the white and grounds it. I love waking up to this space every morning, as the sun quietly creeps in, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee floats in the light.

    Good luck with your decision; you'll know when it's right.


  4. I am in love with your new walnut cabinet. I do love a kitchen that looks like it's old. I'm excited to see what you do for your new kitchen.

  5. Love white kitchens... That's what I did and have loved it... Look at the blog Vignette Design .. She has a beautiful kitchen in a 100 year old house in the Napa valley region... Her cabinets are green w/ a black island I think...also Cote de Texas has a lovely kitchen... In white .. Enjoy... Teresa

  6. Your kitchen is going to be gorgeous, Cindy. Our perimeter cabinets are white with white counters, and our island is a deep raspberry with a butcher block top.

    Your cabinet is a beauty. We have an antique bowfront cabinet in our breakfast room, and not only do I love the way it looks, I love the storage.

  7. They are all beautiful, but my favorite of these is the all white. Stunning. I love your new cabinet, it is gorgeous. Can't wait to see it all come together. Hugs, Marty

  8. What a beautiful piece Cindy...I absolutely LOVE all your inspiration photos!! Your kitchen is going to look fabulous!

  9. Cindy, these are great inspiration photos! We are about to start renovating my childhood home in Louisiana, which is a 1950's rancher. I don't want to stray too far away from the original footprint; but, I am leaning towards a white kitchen. I want to make things light and airy.

  10. Wow...decisions, decisions is right! All of these were gorgeous and I didn't know where I'd begin. The older I get the more go for the retro or vintage look. I grew up with white painted cabinets with a built-in flour was awesome but back then it just seemed...old. I love the darker looks but those white cabinets are so lovely too....sorry...I know I'm not much help :(

  11. I like the look of cherry cabinets, which I have in my new home,(2012) with stainless appliances. and black
    counter tops, with a brushed nickel bridge faucet, that matches the appliances. I have received so many complements on my kitchen..but, then again , at our cabin, where I have white cabinets,with a light counter top, that looks very pretty, I have received complements. I do prefer the cozy look of darker, I think it looks more expensive,(and it is) and with a crystal chandler,in my kitchen,it makes the kitchen look classic, like it has been there forever. To each their own...

  12. Drool! I love all those kitchens. Your hutch is pretty too!

  13. I do love kitchens that have that vintage look. I really would like new cabinets in our kitchen... antique white or ivory would be nice but I love the look of the island being a darker color. You and I must have similar kitchen color/decor taste because I love each picture you have here. Can't wait to see what you do!

  14. Hi Cindy! Oh, your cabinet is gorgeous! I know it will look so pretty in your lovely home.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. As I'm sure you know, I like things to look like they've always been there and like they "belong" to the house. I like each of your inspiration pictures and I'm in love with the oval portraits in the last one. I think that hutch will be perfect in your room.

  16. Oh, my I love the photos you chose! What an exciting project! Thanks for joining HSH!


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