
Saturday, September 14, 2013


Early mornings on the porch are one of my favorite times of the day.

As my hubby and I enjoy our breakfast and coffee together, it is beautiful to watch the sun come up and to ponder all it chooses to highlight...

multi-colored Lantana

These red Canna Lilies will soon be kissed by the soft morning rays...

Whimsical spider flowers, with all their shades of pink, are still in the shade of dawn...

On the deck it will be a while before this Lantana is kissed by the sun, but that's the beauty of white blooms.  From dusk to dawn they shine bright on their own...

Our sweet boy Mikey is 16 years old and is having some issues with his red blood cell count.  Please pray with us that nothing else will prove to be wrong and the medications he is on will make him better. Thank you!

Hope your weekend is wonderful sweet friend.  I appreciate YOU so much!!!

Come join us Sunday afternoon for AMAZE ME MONDAY!
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  1. Great spider web shot! I have lantana as well and Cleome ( what you call spider flowers...I have never heard it called that but it's a good name for it! :)

  2. Good Morning Cindy,
    Oh how beautiful to sit each morning and enjoy. Wow that spider's web is a work of art. It is amazing what these little creatures in nature can do. Hope little Mikey will be ok. He is so cute.

  3. Looks like a bright, sun shiny day, Cindy! Love all your flowers!

    Happy weekend!


  4. I don't know what people do without a porch ! Have a great weekend


  5. Thanks for sharing all the morning beauty at your home, Cindy..

    prayers and healing energy for lil Mikey..


  6. Morning Cindy,
    what lovely photos........looks like a magazine photo shoot. and what a lovely place to have breakfast.
    Aren't those spider webs just so fascinating.......hubby and I marvel many times over those we find attached to our house and bushes........such workmanship. We have some spiders around here and we call them tent spiders
    cause they put their webs up at night and take them down in the morning.........once we came home at night
    from a neighbors house, and we saw something on our house and it looks like a coat of armor shield, and it wasa massive spider web, and when I went out to have a better look at it in the morning it was gone. I thought my hubby took it down and he said No, so asked my neighbor thinking maybe he did it, and he said No, and he said some spider take it down themselves the next day. Isn't that crazy!

    Sorry to hear about your kitty........hope Mikey is feeling better soon and the meds work, will pray for him.
    He is a very pretty cat, sorry to hear he is under the weather........cause they are like family too..

    Our kitty Molly is about that age too, but we have had her about the last 10 years I would say......but she
    pulls her fur out, she is a beautiful black and white kitty when she has all her fur, but she looks a bit ratty when she is in her fur pulling mood, it happens every spring, but this year she is still doing it. We have gotten her allergy shots and the first time it worked, the 2 and 3rd times it really did nothing. We also have tried putting her on the flea stuff cause we were told it could be a flea allergy, but we haven't had fleas in our yard for years, so that didn't pan out either. We have also changed foods, to no avail. It seems like her fur is starting to come back in so am thinking maybe whatever she is allergic too, is not blooming anymore.............hope that is it anyway cause she will need her winter coat.

    Have a lovely weekend hon,
    Blessings Abundant,

  7. is absolutely my favorite time of day too. And man have I got some spiderwebs around my place too! Yours are beautiful, I have taken a few phoots of some myself but haven't posted them yet. I'm thinking about waiting till closer to!

  8. Beautiful post, Cindy!!! You captured the quality of the light this time of year perfectly! It is truly my favorite time of year.

    The spider web is a true work of art; I could appreciate it more if I didn't have such a terrible fear of spiders. This time of year I'm always walking through a spider web no matter how hard I try to look out for them. "Charlotte's Web" was one of my favorite children's books, but I still can't stand spiders. :)

    Your flowers are just lovely; I love the Cleome and Lantana. I sincerely hope that your Mikey will be okay and feeling better very soon. Our beloved MacDuff is 13, and he's got some health issues, too. Our pets are so precious, aren't they? I enjoyed your post, Cindy, and I hope you enjoy your weekend.

    Hugs to you,


  9. Gorgeous! You have excellent photography skills Cindy! Keep on enjoying dear!

  10. OK ... I'm officially in love with the spider web photo. What a gorgeous pic and work of art, both yours and the spider.

  11. I miss a good porch! I have so many memories of times spent on the porch at my grandparents house. That's back when a porch was a porch, a gathering spot that was an extension from the inside and THE PLACE TO BE, especially at certain times of the day and evening. Beautiful images of your views.

    Prayers for Mikey. Hope it's nothing serious and medication can get it corrected.

  12. What a beautiful place to sit, Cindy. Great job of photographing that spider web- Amazing. I hope your sweet Mikey is okay- xo Diana

  13. Sending up prayers for sweet Mikey. :) Hope he gets better soon. Your photos are stunning! Love the spider web and your lantana is gorgeous. My lantana didn't seem to grow much this summer until about a month ago. Now I just had to prune a couple of feet off it because it was covering up everything else. :) Enjoy the weekend!

  14. Cindy, these photos are just beautiful! What a lovely setting!

  15. What a wonderful way to start off the day! Don't you just hate when you know it's the last of the beautiful flowers? I do but then I look so forward to the cool weather. Beautiful photos.


  16. Mikey is so sweet! Sending good karma his way. I love spider webs. I don't see them often. Your photos are fantastic!

  17. I love to get up early and watch the sun rise...and see the flowers come to life...your flowers are so beautiful...
    Have a wonderful day!

  18. Beautiful photos! I'm sorry to hear that about Mikey-he's so adorable!! Prayers coming your way...

  19. I love your photo. I hope Mikey is doing better. My cats send well wishes.

  20. Gorgeous morning Cindy! We had a spider web JUST like that RIGHT out the front door this morning.. the webs are kinda fun but the spiders can get large! Your flowers are so pretty:)

  21. Your breakfast setting is a wonderful place to view the blossoms in your garden. The best part is the sweet kitty photo. Your photography talent is very apparent with the pretty photos. Have a great week!


  22. Sending prayers from Seattle to Mikey.

    Blessings ..Cinnamon

  23. This is a beautiful post - I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


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