
Thursday, September 12, 2013


Our daughter and her hubby are still living with us.  Everything is coming together nicely and their proposed closing date for their new home is October 15th.  They are beyond excited!  You may remember their new home will be only a few minutes up the road from us, so we are beyond excited too!

Stephanie was thrilled to be offered a cherry dining room table and chairs for her new home.  Happy to have a set for her new formal dining room and also happy because this set has been in the family since she was a tiny little thing!  When she was about 2 years old it was in our dining room, then my sisters dining room, and for the past 5 years or so it's been in my sisters attic, but now it's Stephanie's!

This isn't her set, but this picture (found on Google) shows how the table looks when the legs are on it!

I moved the table and leaf to the porch for a little sprucing up.  There is one large scratch which we aren't too worried about, that's character, right?!  Mostly there are a lot of fine scratches and a dull finish so I was hoping to use a little Restore-a-Finish to make it look pretty again.  I've used this product in the past with great success, so I got started...

I purchased all the supplies Restore-a-Finish recommends, including 0000 steel wool and Howard's Feed-n-Wax.  Here is a closer look at the large scratch, you can see the smaller ones too.

This shows after the left side was completed using the Restore-a-Finish and steel wool.
My hopes are high at this point, looking good! 

 This shows both sides after the R-a-F and steel wool was used.

The leaf is looking great too, so I'm really encouraged at this point!

I get a little worried after an hour or so when this shows up, but then I remind myself that I haven't done the last step of the process yet, which is to use Howard's Feed-n-Wax, so I don't panic.

After the Feed-n-Wax is applied it looks amazing, look at that shine!  So, I leave it to soak in as per the directions and will come back to wipe it off.

It's still soaking in, pretty shine isn't it!

After all the wax has been rubbed in and then rubbed off,
and the table has been moved into the house,
and I come down a day later to check on it,
there are lots of little scratches, you can still see the large scratch which we aren't worried about, we just wanted some shine!
But it is dull and the small scratches are showing up with very little shine.

I was soooo hoping that I could get away without totally refinishing the top of this table and Stephanie doesn't want it painted, so painting is not an option.
Maybe I'll try this process one more time?!


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  1. Gee, it looked so good for a while. I havn't used that product so I don't know. Sorry no help, but it will be intersting to see how it turns out. Hugs, Marty


  2. My new table had some scratches on top also..

    I finally used Johnsons car wax on it and a car buffer.. couple of very tiny scratches still show but then I know where to look:)

    I'll do another wax coat when I change the decor on top in hopes that will take away the tinest scratches.

    good luck.

  3. I think I'd contact the Restore a Finish Company and inquire as to what happened. Or go back to where you purchased it and ask. Take the leaf with you or at least your photos.

  4. I have no clue, but it does look better than where you started!

  5. Hmmm...I have never used the product either but with everything you went through, It sure seems like that would have done the trick. Ok, now this is going to seem silly but what about Old English Scratch cover, either for dark woods...OR maybe lemon oil? I restored and old bed I bought that was covered with scratches and the the dark Old English made it look brand new...never had to do anything else to it since. Keep us posted!

  6.'s almost like the table is thirsty and sucking up the wax. Maybe it's a matter of more than one coat. I'd see if they company has a website and maybe someone you could contact. Best of luck!


  7. It really does look amazing! I know she will enjoy having this in her new home!

  8. It did look better...without the shine. I have no idea...maybe a second use of product. I know your daughter is excited about her new home....and so close to you. Blessings!

  9. It has improved and you are sweet to work on it for your daughter. I agree that you should get in contact with the company and so from there.

  10. Hi Cindy! How nicely the table turned out. I'm so happy it has been passed down to your daughter with all of the sweet memories that are attached. You've done a great job on it too. I'm happy for them getting their new house!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Hi Cindy,

    It looks better but if the scratches are still showing up I would use those scratch repair's like a magic marker but they come in wood tone colors...I use that for deep scratches and as for the dullness you don't like I'd do one more coat and if that doesn't work I'd call the stripper and ask him

  12. Hmmm...not sure on the scratches. It sure does look pretty though all shined up. I wonder if you just poly the top with a glossy finish if that would look good. Just a thought.

  13. Cindy what about trying a hand sander and then restaining?

  14. Cindy, what a beautiful set! I've used Old English scratch cover on my grandmother's dining room table that I have. I fill in the scratches; and then, let it set overnight. Then, I buff it out the next day. Beeswax has a great polish that I use, also.

  15. The table looks beautiful. I hope you'll find a way to get it as shiny as you want... I have no clue what to do, though.

  16. Hi Cindy! I have never used the Howard's Feed and Wax, but am going to purchase a bottle. The table I featured on my last blog post (Reading Room Update). It could use a good "feeding". You sure are working hard on the table. I know it will have a special place in your daughter's home. My suggestion for extra shine would be a rub in paste wax. Here is a link to one on Amazon. It has terrific reviews.
    Good Luck and Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  17. Hi Cindy, I'm excited for you to have your daughter living nearby. And that dining table and Queen Anne chairs are lovely. I'm wondering if the problem could be the weather changing. Humidity? It looked great in a photo and then not so great. I know it will work out beautifully. Thanks for being a great hostess!



  18. It really look better then before. Its important to clean your furniture properly otherwise you may harm the polish of the furniture.


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