
Thursday, August 8, 2013

HAVEN 2013 ~ Some Highlights!

I still can't believe that I was able to attend the Haven Bloggers Conference this year.
What a rush!
No really, it was a MAJOR RUSH!
It was early morning on the first day of the conference when I got the email news that a ticket was available.  I was thrilled, but then the rush ensued!
Beginning with...
pitching this to Mr. Heart at the last minute,
emails and phone calls trying to get tickets and hotel rooms changed to my name,
cancelling previous plans,
washing and drying clothes,
throwing everything in sight into my suitcase
(cause you never know what you'll need, right!),
and I'm doing all of this
in hopes
that I will soon be Haven bound!
FINALLY, about 12 noon the confirmations came through...yipee!
So I grabbed my bags,
threw them in the car,
and hit the road for the 3 1/2 hour drive the Buckhead Grand Hyatt in Atlanta, GA. Whew!

Let the fun begin!
Thursday evening there was a reception out on the terrace.  It was wonderful finally seeing blogging friends face to face and exciting to make so many new friends!

 I am a little lot shy, so it was scary breaking out of my comfort zone and going up to ladies to introduce myself.  I think we all felt that way to some degree.  But in doing so we met new friends and were able to finally hug the neck of friends that we've been following for years.  In meeting a new blogging friend or seeing an old friend for the first time (only bloggers understand this!), there was always an exchange of warm smiles, sweet embraces, and encouraging words.  Such an amazing group of bloggers, but we already knew that didn't we! 

The conference sessions to learn tips for blogging so helpful.  This is just a sampling...

It was great being able to spend time with blogging pals...

and checking out the sponsors...

Couldn't pass up the chance for AS chalk paint tips.
My board was painted with Duck Egg and the circle of color as well as the color painted on the handle of the paint brush is the color that comes from mixing French Linen, Greek Blue, and Duck Egg together.

There were many sponsors and they were all very generous.  I have a big bag of goodies to go through...

It was a wonderful conference and I can't wait for 2014.
The Haven team did an amazing job, thanks to you all!!!
Rhoda of Southern Hospitality

I'll leave you with some FUN!
A video of the DIY Shuffle.  These ladies know how to have a good time!
This dance is about finding a DIY piece and the moves you'll see in this video are:
We're driving it home, sanding it, hammering it, painting it, blogging about it, pinning it, facebook it, and tweet it.
(The video I took wouldn't upload so this is from YouTube.  Mine explains all the steps so if I am able to get it to work I will share it with you later!)

I can't wait for 2014 and hope to see YOU there!


  1. looks like you had a hreat time-love deex

  2. Cindy!! Loved this post! Great seeing who the women are behind these wonderful blogs! And i especially loved the video as Blurred Lines is my favorite song at the moment!!


  3. I woke the dog up laughing out loud....How cute!!!

  4. Looks like so much fun and the video is so cute. Hugs, Marty

  5. Well there is no doubt you had an awesome time! Great pics too!

  6. Wonderful Cindy! So glad you were able to attend and meet some friends from blogland:)

  7. It was such a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you a bit at Haven! I'm looking forward to following you now. I hope I will see you next year at Haven 2014!

  8. I know you had a wonderful time gathering with kindred spirits. It looks fantastic!

  9. HI Cindy! Oh, I'll bet this was just a ball! You look so pretty and how nice to meet 'face to face' other bloggers. I loved the little dance! Too much fun! :0
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I bet that was a great experience! Looks like you had a ton of fun. It's always fun to meet people in person that you feel like you already know online.

  11. I AM planning to be there next year! So glad you got to go! It looks like it was a blast! Love seeing all these pics from all the other bloggers too.

  12. It looks like you had lots of fun, Cindy and met lots of fascinating women!

  13. Hi Cindy,
    Wow, I didn't know such a thing even existed! How fun! You look so cute in all of those photos! :)
    Thanks for sharing your good time with us.

  14. How exciting that you got a last minute ticket to the conference! This conference is on my wish list for next year! By the time I found out about it, it was sold out. And being from Oklahoma...a last minute option just isn't an option. :) So here's to 2014!

  15. Cindy, how cool that you got to go to the Haven conference! The best part is that it's only a 3-1/2 hour drive for you. I'd have to fly down! I recognized a few faces. I've been following sweet Karianne for awhile as well as Rhoda from Southern Hospitality. It looked like a fabulous time and I'm sure it was great mingling with fellow bloggers and learning some interesting tips. I hope to be able go next year.

  16. Hi Cindy! So happy you were able to attend the Haven Conference! & enjoyed sponsoring the event and hope to connect with you even more! Be sure to take a look at the photos from the event on Facebook, tag yourself & share with family/friends! :)


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