
Friday, June 28, 2013

LOST YOUR MARBLES? Some Vintage Treasures!

Lost your marbles?  I may have found them...

antique marbles

Here is a jar FULL and they can be yours for only $75!
I have never seen so many marbles in one place before stumbling upon this little shop in the mountains.

antique marbles 

Old spool cabinets are charming, I would love to have antique Clark’s or J&P Coats cabinet.
antique spool cabinet

In our area blue Ball jars with zinc lids are expensive but these were $5 to $12 and there were a lot of them!
blue ball jars with galvanized lids

Have you ever found something that you just had to get even though you had NO IDEA what you would do with it?  Well this antique furniture clamp came home with me and I have NO IDEA what I’m going to do with it!
antique furniture clamp

It is such a neat old piece so for now it is on fireplace hearth.  I hope to find a good use for it when we redo the great room, which will hopefully be soon!  
antique furniture clamp

We found a few more pieces of the California Provincial Poppytrail dishes I collect, like these that are displayed in the Antique Kitchen Cupboard.
Anqitue Cupboard

We found a coffee pot, sugar and creamer in my pattern.  I actually have all of these but they were such a GREAT price we went ahead and got them.  I’ve always wanted to use the coffee pot but was afraid it may get chipped or broken so now that I have an extra one, I’m going to use it!
We also picked up two blue Ball jars.
California Provincial Poppytrail coffee pot

Do you remember the Mirrored Plateau in the dining room?
mirrored plateau

Well, I found another one…
mirrored plateau

and some dried blue hydrangea.

I’ll show you my plans for them soon!

Hop on over for AMAZE ME MONDAY...
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  1. Lovely vintage treasures, and I can't wait to see what you do with the hydrangeas!

  2. That's A LOT of marbles! The rooster on your dishes reminds me of the rooster on my grandmother's wooden canisters and breadbox.

  3. Wow- I love those old marbles. I used to play marbles all the time with the boys in the schoolyard. You always had one "lucky shooter" and you did not want to lose it for anything! Love that mirrored plateau. I have one that I inherited and had no idea what it was until I saw them in blogland. Great post, Cindy- xo Diana

  4. great finds. i am seeing that clamp as a wreath holder, maybe? love blue jars and have a marble filled ones as well albeit new, not vintage, marbles. i want our granloves to enjoy the simple pleasures of play from my youth...marbles, jigsaw puzzles, pick up sticks, doll houses, hula i get it all out for their visits. would love to have that sewing cupboard! please please show what you do with the mirrored pedestal. working with a client who has the same one and cannot figure out how to use it to its best advantage!!! Suzi

  5. You found some great things! I'm not familiar with the china that you collect and really like it.

  6. What lovely goodness! I wonder if my 'marbles' are in there - LOL! Some days I feel like I've lost them!

  7. What a great store and it looks like you hit the jackpot!

  8. Looks like some good shopping!! The mirror plateau is gorgeous!
    Mary Alice

  9. Morning Cindy,
    That coats and clark cabinet is so neat..........
    Nice you found some new pcs. for your collection. and I love those blue ball jars, saw a 6 pk of them at
    Target recently and wanted to buy them, but thought what am I gonna do with them!! But that color just makes my heart sing. If I see them again I might just get them and then figure it
    Flowers would always look great in them, and actually as I am writing this I think I could use the color
    in several of my rooms really.
    Hope all is well with you and yours hon,

  10. Fun stuff! I knew a dealer that made a fortune selling marbles. Go figure! Your new plateau mirror is wonderful!

  11. J has a jar of marbles around here someplace. I should look for them. I enjoyed this post so much, Cindy.

  12. It's fun to go to a beautiful place like that and look. You can get so many ideas! I have a few old marbles...I love them! Hugs!

  13. Hi Cindy,
    Wow I should have kept all those marbles in a jar that my brothers had when we were kids!!!! Love all your treasures especially the unique piece by your fireplace. I can't wait to see what you do with that.

  14. Great finds Cindy! I love the marbles!
    You really found some fun stuff!

    Have a great day.

  15. Thanks for sharing all your goodies Cindy!
    They are lovely!
    Marbles are them!
    Happy weekend to you!

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxoo

  16. Don't you just live antiques !!! Have a wonderful weekend

  17. I looked high and low for a mirrored plateau for my wedding cake & never found one. You are so lucky to have them to display your beautiful treasures.



  18. Gosh, wish I had saved my marbles from when I was little. Well, I do have a few, but not a jar full...And my grandmother's ball jars.,who knew they'd be so popular? Thanks for showing us your neat finds. Happy Sunday. Oh, can't wait to see what you do with the hydrangeas. I'm trying to dry some.

  19. You found some great stuff, Cindy, interesting furniture clamp, eh? And the jars are great, I hope you got several of those!

  20. Hi Cindy! Oh, lucky you - such lovely things. I love those sweet Rooster dishes and saw a few dinner and dessert plates a few weeks ago and thought of you. I almost bought them but they're a little pricey! :) Coming home tomorrow and I've missed so much in Blogland!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  21. Hi Cindy,
    Wow, those are some expensive marbles, I think that dealer has "lost his marbles"! Anyway, cute furniture clamp and it looks great on your hearth and you know I love that new plateau mirror! Gorgeous!
    Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

  22. Great finds! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  23. Wow, that glass marble collection is beautiful! So expensive, too!


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