
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Hi Sweet Friends!
Between our den and kitchen is an antique cupboard.

Anqitue Cupboard

The top piece is an old hutch that is actually made to hang on a wall…

Antique Hutch

and the bottom piece is an old flour bin…

Antique Flour Bin

Years ago when looking for a cupboard I found this flour bin and thought it would be great for storing placemats, table runners, and cloths….but I needed a top for it.  Months later I found this hutch hanging on a wall in an antique store.

You can see how the hutch rests on top of the flour bin…

Antique Cupboard 2

My cupboard is full of Roo’s and you may also notice a little bird on the left side hutch door…

Antique Cupboard 4

This sweet cardinal, a gift from my sister, attaches to glass doors.  It is in two pieces and each side has a magnet that holds them together through the glass.
The cardinal’s head is on the outside of the hutch door glass and the wing is on the inside…

Cardinal 2


In the cupboard are old cracker and snuff tins, ceramic pieces and roosters.
The dishes are the California Provincial Poppytrail pattern by Metlox.  My mother-in-law had given me a few pieces in this pattern about 20 years ago and I still enjoy hunting for more pieces when out antiquing…

Antique Cupboard 6

Hens on nests, antique thermometers,  a Sylvester butter dish that when open you see Tweety hiding inside…

Antique Cupboard 5

The hens on the nest are some of my favorite pieces…

Hen on the Nest

I think the salt and pepper shakers are adorable…

Rooster Salt & Pepper

My husband’s grandmother hand painted this rooster.  I just love how the rooster’s head hangs down over the ledge…


I’m happy that my cupboard is missing a few pieces of glass so when the cupboard doors are closed the rooster’s head hangs perfectly…

Rooster 2

A big ole’ hen and some blue and white for a bit of pretty…


Some lemons with a touch of red and white on top…

Antique Cupboard 7

I’m trying to make sure I still have a place for this cupboard when we remodel the kitchen but it’s proving to be a challenge, we’ll see!

Thanks so much for visiting, please leave a comment so I’ll know you did!


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  1. Cindy- What a great marriage of two ole pieces. I love how each piece compliments the other. I remember those dishes from my childhood and I think they were either grocery store dishes or came inside of a box of sometbing. I kind of remember them in the old A&P store at the end of an aisle...or some similar ones.

    Love the rooster AND the cardinal. I've not seen one like it before.

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday-xoxo

  2. Oh, I truly think you should try to find a place for your beloved cupboard in your new kitchen. Along with the new, we need pleasant memories of the past too.

  3. I love how you displayed your collection Cindy!!! But I totally am jealous of your flour bin/cabinet -a real treasure piece!

  4. LOVE this, Cindy, the color of the old Hoosier base is wonderful, and your fun collection of Hen and Rooster goodies is perfect inside!

  5. I love cupboard you should fine place for, all your roo are so cute lovely pcs!

  6. Love it!! I love the soft green color and all the pretties you have inside.

  7. I was pretty sure that bottom piece looked like it was used for dry ingredient storage. :) Such a neat piece to own! I've never seen a cardinal like that one. Love it!

  8. I'm in love with your cabinet and hutch...they fit together like a puzzle! And all of your sweet roosters look right at home! I love that cardinal, too. It's very original!


  9. I love your cupboard and I love your roos too. That little cardinal is such a sweet accessory. Hugs, Marty

  10. Love it ! I love the " worn look " jut screams country ! I hope your having a great day !

  11. I love everything about this! If I had a style, this would probably be it!

  12. Oh you MUST find room for it - it is too gorgeous to leave it out! And you have it decorated so beautifully, too. Love everything about it. Blessings to you - Dawn

  13. Hi Cindy,
    That cupboard was perfect on top of that flour bin, and they sure look like one perfect cabinet to me.
    Lots of cute things, I really liked your chickens on their nests, so cute. That was really a neat idea
    how they did that cardinal, looks like he was flying thru the glass. Hope you find a spot for it in your
    new kitchen, but if not, maybe you could put it in a bedroom, family or dining room.

    Take care hon,
    blessings, Nellie

  14. Hi Cindy! I just love your two piece cabinet! Being two different pieces makes it look so much more charming. Now I'm all over the insides! I love the Roos and those dishes are so cute. I've seen them before and wished I had some! I'm coveting just a bit. I've never seen anything like the little red bird. What a cute idea. Hope you're doing well.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. What a perfect fit for the top cupboard and bottom flour bin...filled with all the things that have wonderful memories for you and your family! You must find a way to fit this into your kitchen remodel.


  16. Absolutely charming, and filled with do many wonderful pieces. Thank you for sharing.

  17. It's a beauty, that's for sure. I would certainly hate to lose it, and so useful, too.

  18. How adorable! They go together like peaches and cream.... or hens and roos! What a great piece, and I, too, hope you can find room in your new kitchen for this piece. I think your 'hung-over' hen is called a bobber... because the head and neck come back up too, don't they? The ones I've seen like this do. Just found you and am following now. Vicki in KY

  19. Love it! That's a Potbelly Cabinet you have there, I have one in my kitchen and I love it. You have yours decorated so cute. Stop by and see mine at

  20. Your cabinet is lovely (I already wrote it) and how cute is the fact that the roosters are free to take a peek outside thanks to some missing glass!

  21. I love that you didn't try to "fix up" the top cupboard and left it chippy and without glass. It makes it all the more charming. Great post! Visiting from Be Inspired and following you via Bloglovin'!

  22. Oh, Cindy, I love how you married (well, maybe more like "engaged" since they aren't attached) those two pieces. They look perfect together and makes for such a charming addition to your space. You have such a sweet collection of Roos!

  23. What a great marriage of these two vintage pieces!! Love the chippy cabinet on top.
    Thanks for hosting the party each week.
    Mary Alice

  24. Cindy, I love your cabinet. I love old cabinets , they make it so homey. I love your roo collection. I have quite a few roos myself.

  25. Those two beautiful pieces definetelly belong together, they look amazing in fusion! Yes, they could even get married. I love it all! Have a nice week.

  26. I love how you combined these two pieces together, Cindy! They go together so well.

  27. This looks truly lovely. I love how you've put these two pieces together to make this marvelous place to display your wonderful collectibles. I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  28. Your baker's cupboard is wonderful! My good friend has one and I've always admired it. I love the way you've combined the two pieces!

  29. What a fabulous piece you have created! I too, have those dishes. They belonged to my Dad's mother. It is not a complete set, and I hunt for more all the time. I also have real chickens on my little homestead and love them!!!
    I love your blog, and will be back for sure!
    xo Kris

  30. It is a wonderful piece and I love all of the treasures inside! :)

  31. Your Metlox Dishes caught my eye. I grew up with these dishes and I now have practically every piece made, all of the condiment pieces, platters, you name it and I have saved each and every piece from my mother's collection. If I could take them to my grave with me I would. My husband calls them my Chicken Dishes. I found a few pieces this week at an estate sale, and since they are not part of my mother's original set, I will probably sell them in my Etsy shop. Love your cabinet and the dishes look wonderful.



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