
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Heart of Your Home Tour with Shelia of Note Songs

Hello, Dear Ones!

I'm Shelia and my blog is called Note Songs and I'm so thrilled that my friend, Cindy, has asked me to share my home with you today. I've been blog friends with this pretty lady for quite some time now. The first time she showed the front of her home I thought, "Her home looks a little like mine!"

This is Cindy’s home…


And this is mine, built in 1970…


Our houses could be cousins!


So here's a tour of my Notes Songs cottage…
I have double front doors as does Cindy, but mine doesn’t have the pretty pediment.


Come on in...


Here's the living room on the left side of the entry.


The dining room is by the stairs on the right. 

The den is where Mr. Precious and I spend most of our time and I blog in my recliner. I'm so lazy!


Right behind the den is the sun porch. I've made all of my pillows and window toppers.

Our houses could be cousins!

My kitchen is very small but I do love it. We had the cabinets refaced about a year ago and got new counter tops.


This is my breakfast room and my little hutch gets changed out almost monthly!


Okay, we'll head upstairs now.

Here we are at the top of the stairs and this is where Edra resides. I found her on Craig's List a few years back, painted her red and she lives on happily ever after.


This is our master bedroom where I should get more hours of sleep than I do. Somehow I just can't get off my computer at night!


Our master bath was redone a few years back. New counter tops, new mirrors, a new tiled shower for Mr. Precious. All was new except for my bathtub. Just so you'll know, it's avocado green! I know, I know! :)


Through the frosted glass door in the bathroom is our little sitting room. This is such a calm place to sit and watch TV. It used to have a 1970s hot tub for 6! Mirrors on the wall and lots of lattice looking wallpaper. It has a rug now and a few more pieces of furniture but I didn't have a recent snap.


This is the guest bathroom and more mirrors. I won't tell you that through the door to the left your eyes would pop out to see a harvest gold tub and potty! I know, I know...1970s again.


This is Mr. Precious' office. You can see why I've never shown you this room before ~ he keeps it quite messy. He's a collector of military memorabilia, so there are lots of goodies around. He's an avid runner and above the olden leather sofa are some snaps of him from marathons he's run. I don't tell him he has hot legs for nothin'! :)


I affectionately call this bedroom 'The Grandma Bedroom'. It's filled with furnishings from both sets of grandparents ~ the olden bedroom set and the Singer sewing machine. I'm not going to show you much of the room because it needs lots of work and I want to spruce it up some. This is also the room where I sew.


This is the guest bedroom. Not too fancy and has the first canon ball bedroom set Mr. Precious and I bought not long after we married. My mother used to quilt and she made the quilt on the bed for me. I do treasure it.



The Heart of My Home…
We moved into our home almost 17 years ago and the minute my husband and I walked in the door we knew this was the one for us. We prayed a blessing on our home that God would make everyone who entered to feel His presence and at home. I love to entertain and open up my home to friends and family and I have had visitors tell me they just felt so at home here. I love that. I guess my decor style is mostly traditional. I love color with a little bit of fun tossed in. I know many have a much grander home but I just love it and feel so blessed to live here. I hope you felt at home today!

Well, that's the tour of my home.  I've shown you more of my home today than I ever have, I hope you have enjoyed the tour!

Thank you so much, Cindy, for asking me to share my home with your blog readers today. I'm truly honored!
Be a bunch of sweeties,

I definitely felt at home touring Shelia’s beautiful home, didn’t you!  I love her foyer, the staircase is spectacular!  We have become great friends, kindred spirits for sure.  If you already know Shelia you would agree that they just don’t come any sweeter, she is a precious lady.
Thanks so much for sharing your home with us Shelia!
Please “be a sweetie” and go visit Shelia at her beautiful blog Note Songs, you’re in for a treat.


Please let me know if you would you like to share The Heart of Your Home!

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  1. Hi Shelia and Cindy, your homes are cousins. Shelia, I love your traditional and cozy style. I don't do grand either. xo, Olive

  2. Hi Shelia, your home is so cuzy I love all your traditional style so many nice furniture and decoration
    around your home.

  3. Really amazing how alike your two homes are! Shelia, your home is beautiful, comfortable, and so welcoming. Had to laugh about the hot tub room, so funny how times and decor change. loved this!

  4. I've been married for 17 years. Your home (and the cousin home) are beautiful - and I think Edra is hot!

  5. Shelia, I love your home and always have!

  6. How absolutely wonderful that you began your life in this home with a blessing- it shows.

  7. Oh, Cindy, thank you so much for featuring my home! I'm so honored!
    You are the sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. What a lovely home! So glad we got to tour!

  9. Not only is Shelia's home beautiful but so is she inside and out. The two of you share that same attribute as well as having almost matching houses. I am sure guests feel very comfortable visiting each of you.

  10. I love Shelia....she is the best and has become a dear friend. I am so happy for her that you featured her beautiful home.

  11. Shelia, your home is beautiful! Just as I would expect for such a sweet lady! It's warm & welcoming. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  12. I loved every inch of it Shelia, such a wonderful tour:_)

  13. Shelia's house is beautiful, cozy, traditional and soo inviting..just like she is!! Yeah, I think the houses are cousins..very much following the family genes, lol.. Thanks fdor the tour! Big hugs,

  14. Sheila's home is so lovely and has such a comfy feel. I can tell she's put her heart into making it welcoming to all who enter.
    Mary Alice

  15. I love Shelia's home it is beautiful and so welcoming, just like her. Thanks so much.

  16. Hi Cindy. Thanks for showcasing Shelia's beautiful home. She calls everyone her sweeties but she is the sweetie. Like she says she hasn't shown much of her home before. I didn't realize it was so grand. I left a message over to her but I might mention that I am in love with Edra. What a little beauty..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  17. Your home is darn well grand!! It's enormous, how do you find the energy to clean?!! I love your traditional style...your master bedroom furniture is very similar to ours and how nice to have a sitting room, a dream of mine! Your home is beautiful, inside and out (like you), very welcoming, comfortable and filled with an abundance of love.

    Thanks so much for featuring Shelia's home, Cindy...I really enjoyed the tour! :)


  18. You're so right, she is one of the sweetest bloggers out there! It was her sweet comments on others blogs that drew me to her blog and I've been an avid commenter ever since.
    Her house is lovely and very welcoming, and the exterior is almost identical to yours. This was very sweet of you to do, Cindy. I saw more of Shelia's home than I have ever seen. Hugs, Cindy

  19. Hi, Cindy! Sheila, I loved seeing this personal tour of your home. So welcoming and inviting!

  20. Loved the "tour of home" Sheila! It was a joy to see all your 'pretties".

  21. Hi Cindy! Thank you for sharing Sheila's home with us. Her home is beautifully decorated. I love the red hutch.

  22. Sweet Sheila,I sure enjoyed the tour of your beautiful home no wonder you always have a pretty smile and a happy song in your heart.Love this!

  23. I love Shelia and I love her blog - she is the true "sweetie"! Thanks for sharing this tour of her home today, isn't it absolutely lovely? Every detail has says "Shelia!" Mary

  24. Hi Cindy! Enjoyed the tour!! Yes Shelia is a precious lady!!

  25. Great post Shelia! I saw new parts of your home today and had forgotten about your former hot tub room. I think I started following your blog when that room was made over. I must say I love "Edna"! What a great piece of furniture!! Blessings, Pamela

  26. Cindy you picked the sweetest person to feature!!
    I love Shelia and her beautiful home! It was so nice seeing it in a full tour!

  27. I love her home, love her humble and kind welcoming spirit and I agree- she is definitely a SWEETIE, tried and true!

    What a gorgeous home, I love that round window and her pretty piano and the stairway TO DIE FOR.

    Nice gal to have as a guest, Cindy, well done.

  28. A cheerful place to live. I love the piano in the living room and the colors used in there. Beautiful home and thank you for the tour.
    I am going back now to tour some more around your blog, I love everything I see and read.

  29. I read Sheila's blog, but haven't seen many of these photos. Thanks so much!

  30. Thank you for giving us a tour of Sheila's gorgeous home! Her home is very elegant and still comfortable...I love it! Hugs, Penny

  31. Thanks for sharing Shelia's home tour. She is such a warm and delightful person and that truly shows throughout her charming home.

  32. Shelia, I loved the tour of your home, it is wonderful and I definitely always feel at home when I visit you. Hugs, Marty

  33. I really enjoyed checking out the Home Tours on your blog. I love all the old plantation/historic homes and gardens that you showed.

  34. Shelia, Awesome tour. You home is lovely and certainly reflects you genteel personality. You are a classy lady and your home is classically beautiful. I am loving the foyer and the staircase is breathtaking.
    Thanks for Sharing. xoGinger

  35. Perfect choice in Shelia. She is an amazing lady with a beautiful home.

  36. Great tour, Cindy! I love Shelia's beautiful home. It is just as warm as she is!! It's amazing how similar your exterior elevations are! Shelia's home feels so cozy and inviting. Thanks for sharing!

  37. It looks like you two are house sisters! Very cozy and bright, must be a very nice place to come home to at the end of the day.
    xoxo. Michelle.

  38. Cindy, I enjoyed Sheila's tour. Big hugs

  39. Oh, I've enjoyed walking through each room! How beautifully decorated...elegant but comfortable, too. It's so neat that you both have homes that look so much's a small world! Your homes look very grand indeed! Thanks for the tour! Sweet hugs to you both!

  40. I loved seeing Shelia's home in such detail. She has good sized bedrooms and they're all decorated nicely! I had the harvest gold throughout my house when we bought it so I know what that's like! Her husband's office looks great. You can tell its real and functional. I think the kitchen is wonderful and plenty big! My favorite room is the living room and your gorgeous piano. The staircase is fabulous and I love the generous foyer. It's amazing how close in looks your two homes are!

  41. Great tour, Cindy! I always enjoy Sheila's decorating, very inspiring! She has a beautiful, happy home, which well represents her! :)

  42. I loved this tour! Sheila's staircase is so charming. I think it's my favorite feature of her home. I loved the rocking chairs on her front porch too. Her home is full of warmth and looks just like the sweet owner of it. Thankyou for sharing.

  43. Such a beautiful home. I was especially fond of the green walls, your inviting kitchen and that bed in the master bedroom. Gorgeous!

    I can see why she chose to feature your lovely home.

  44. Hello Cindy, I have visited Shelia and her husband in person just this past summer. They are wonderful people and we did feel very welcome and 'at home' in her lovely home. Every room has Shelia's special touch with her beautiful decorating. She is talented in so may ways and her pillows and drapes/curtains are beautifully hand made. This tour brought back a special memory of sitting in her breakfast room and eating delicious cake. Hand made of course. Smile. Shelia is warm and caring and so is her husband. She is the 'sweetie.'

    Jeanne xo

  45. Shelia's home is lovely. I have always thought so. I had to smile when she commented that others may have grander homes...heavens, now I think I live in a closet! :) It's not the size and the grandness of a home or the's the love. It's the folks that live there. Shelia and her husband give it that feeling of warmth..not the size or the furnishings.. Wonderful home. Wonderful people.

  46. I am so happy that you featured Sheila and her BEAUTIFUL home! I have been following her for quite some time and she is the sweetest lady....and FUNNY too! I hadn't seen some of these rooms so this was a fun tour! Sheila, your home is beautiful and I know why you love it so. It is so warm and welcoming. XO, Pinky

  47. I enjoyed the tour, Shelia. You have a lovely home. I'm glad I got to see all of it.

  48. Thanks you for featuring Shelia's home, Cindy. I have admired her decor but this is the first time I have seen most of the house. It's spectacular, just gorgeous! I love the tradiional decor, so warm and inviting....Christine

  49. It's amazing how much your homes look alike. Sheila, I loved touring your home. It's beautiful and full of love! Thanks Cindy for featuring Sheila's home. ~Delores

  50. Hi Cindy, Shelia's home is so cozy...I love it. I have had people tell me that when they walked into my home, they just felt at home...that is the way I feel with this tour of Shelia's. You both have beautiful homes!


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!