
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Dwellings ~ Unique

We got a dusting of snow and some say this is to be a perfect snow,
coming quickly and leaving just the same…


Reminds me of life.
How fast time is flying by and I realize that should I be granted 100 years, it will be gone in a flash.

This morning the sun is shining brightly and the snow is melting.
It has come quickly and is leaving the same.

As I enjoy the sights I think on the snowflakes and how each is unique.
No two have ever been or will ever be just alike.

This leads me to thinking about me and you, each of us unique.
No two have ever been or will ever be just alike.

Uniquely created by God, sharing this wonderful gift of life, as we live alongside each other…


As we enjoy living life, our families and tending to our homes
may we be ever mindful that life is a gift,
we were created to know our creator…
and to know his will for our lives…
to live life on purpose!


You are SPECIAL, You are LOVED,
You are unique, created by God on PURPOSE for his PURPOSE!

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  How precious to me are your thoughts, oh God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand…”  Psalm 139:16-18


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  1. Cindy- As you know I just lost my brother and this is such a wonderful post. It is true-our time here is so fleeting-it is gone in the blink of an eye and we leave behind every Earthly thing that we thought was important. I do think we should live in the moment and treasure all that is given but wear it loosely like a cloak that can be dropped if need be.
    Wonderful words for a Sunday here~ xo Diana

  2. We had a beautiful snow here in NC.. (not sure where you are) It was wonderful and like you our yard is clear of it this afternoon. Beautiful pictures

  3. Something happened to my comment :/

    I was just saying that your post is such a blessing, especially during this lenten season. LOVELY photos! I wish it would snow here. It's been cold enough!


  4. Hi Cindy! OH, this was a wonderful post! Your snow looks beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Thank you Cindy. Your post brought a smile to my face. It is indeed beautiful to see both little flowers and snow together.

  6. A beautiful post, words of God and his blessings. Thank you for sharing.
    We had a very cold Sunday in Florida, sunny but cold. No snow, wish it would snow if it's going to be this cold.

  7. Gorgeous photos!!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my photo and verse!


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