
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just Put A Toothpick In It!

OK, I will!
Yep, I was a little flustered...

You see, I was in a rush.
Getting ready to meet some girlfriends for dinner to celebrate two of their birthdays, when I hurriedly took hold of the knob.  The knob on the 1800’s empire chest that has been loose for some time now.   The knob to the drawer full of gift bags, ribbon, and tissue paper which of course gave away at the most inopportune time.

wooden knob

Flustered, I head over and holler upstairs to let Mr. Heart know that the knob gave away.
And straightaway he hollers back down, ”just put a toothpick in it!”

Well, I didn’t have time to “put a toothpick in it," I was in a hurry!  So I pried the drawer open, bagged the gifts up real nice and pretty like, and headed out for dinner.

But, first thing the next morning, I got the toothpicks!

drawer pull


I opened the drawer, put two toothpicks in and got the screwdriver…

toothpick fix

toothpick fix

VOILĂ€, it worked!  Now it is tight as a tick!

So smart, that Mr. Heart...telling me to put a toothpick in it!   

Ever had a loose knob…how did you fix it?

More about the antique chicken toothpick holder here.


  1. I love it. I've used expanding glue, veneer, and just about everything else you can imagine, but never used a toothpick. Great tip.

  2. WOw, simple, clever, easy! Great photos, love your tip! :)

  3. That's great! Isn't it nice that it could be fixed with little intervention!

  4. One of my coworkers at the furniture store told us about the toothpick. That piece is a beauty.

  5. Wow,that was so easy. I will keep that in mind. I am glad that it worked so well for you.

  6. Who would did. Very clever Cindy. I love that piece btw.

  7. I've always used toothpicks! Have used them in door hinges, too. I grew up loving tools and hanging out with the guys, so I learned a lot of tricks. I am very much at home in hardware stores, too. LOL

  8. Your Mr. Heart has a smart brain, too. That is a great tip. I have used pieces of paper to make the screw hold tighter but next time I have that problem I will use the toothpick idea. That piece of furniture is very beautiful.

  9. My husband taught me that trick as well. Amazing they know this!!! Is this something that men always do??? Just wondering. So glad you got the knob fixed, and equally glad you used the toothpick to fix it. Now we know how to fix anything. :)

  10. Great idea. I've used other things for this purpose, but never thought of toothpicks! What a beautiful piece of furniture!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  11. You are so smart, Cindy and THAT is a beautiful old piece. Isn't that always the way things go when you are in a hurry though? xo Diana

  12. Cindy, My dad taught the toothpick trick many years ago and I know it works. I am glad you were able to fix the knob. It is a georgeous piece! Thanks for linking to the Open House party.
    xx, Sherry

  13. That is an awesome fix! I'm pinning that so i don't forget!

  14. That chest is gorgeous! I too have "put a toothpick in it!" :)

  15. I sure hate to say it, but those guys know their stuff:) I have never heard of this but I am I know it now.


  16. I learned the toothpick trick from my dad when I was young, and have used it so many times too!! Love that chest, beautiful!!!

  17. I love the chest, the wood-grain and style! I've used the toothpick trick works so well!

    Jan ♥

  18. Clever tip and stunning Empire chest! So glad you haven't painted it!

  19. Oh, that dresser is just so beautiful! I had never heard of that trick before, but I'll keep it in mind!

  20. Very clever trick, indeed! :) LOVE the chest, gorgeous piece! And the little toothpick holder is too cute!

  21. You just taught me something new! Now if I can just remember it when I need to use it! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven to say hi.

  22. Ah the tips you learn from reading blogs. Love it and I am glad it worked!

  23. LOL, I can't count the times a knob has come loose, and now next time I know an easy way to fix it. Props to Mr. Heart. :)

    That piece of furniture, by the way, is gorgeous!

    I'm visiting today from the Thursday's Favorite Things hop. I'm already a blog follower, but now I'm following you on FB and Pinterest too. :)

  24. Such a great idea, using a toothpick. Your piece is absolutely stunning. Thanks for the tip.

  25. Thanks. I have just the drawer I need to use this trick on :)

  26. That's funny. I'll remember that for next time. I just followed back by GFC. Gorgeous piece!!

  27. What a neat trick! Never heard of that but I'm sure I'll need to try it out someday. I just have to say I am in love with your wooden chest! It is so gorgeous!

    Visiting from Home Sweet Home :)

  28. this is such a great trick for these old stripped out openings, I've done this myself!! gorgeous buffet!

  29. Paper cellulose...let dry and re-drill. Hot glue works, too!

  30. Very clever! And a gorgeous piece of furniture!

  31. What a great tip and a gorgeous piece of furniture!

  32. Beautiful piece of furniture! Awesome little trick!

  33. Great tip!..and great dresser, too. Love the finish on it.
    Babs, visiting from No Minimalist Here...Open House Party.

  34. Thank you for the useful tip!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  35. That is a great tip...I'm going to have to remember that and share with my parents.

    I'm stopping by to say 'hi' from Katherine's Favorite Things Thursday - better late than never.

  36. That is such a pretty piece of furniture; don't you just love an easy repair job!

  37. My dad taught me that trick when I was a little girl...and I have used it many times over the past several years. Beautiful piece of furniture!

  38. Great tip. Love that dresser. What amazing grain.

    Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  39. I love this tip. I saw it on television years ago and we use it all of the time, especially for door stops that fall out (am I the only one with that problem?). Love that piece of furniture - it is gorgegous!

  40. Great trick to know! Found your post on Thursday Favorite Things! I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today :)

  41. It is such a beautiful dresser. I learned something new - never thought about putting in a toothpick to help secure a knob.

  42. I have a similar problem with an old chest and today was the day to get out the toothpicks. It was serendipity to see your post -- and such a beautiful chest of drawers.

  43. I knew what you were going to do as soon as I read your title! I've done this several times over the years. Works like a charm!! Love the chest, beautiful wood.

    I hope you'll come see My Daughter's Master Bath Redo! #83 at Met Monday.


  44. Yes, I've done this with chair rungs too. Love your chest, it is gorgeous. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  45. Glad it worked so well because that's a sweet piece of furniture!

  46. Love this great tip- I can use it right now!

  47. Brilliant...I am pinning this tip! That dresser is gorgeous, by the way! Hug, Deborah

  48. I have a chest almost identical to this - the problem with mine is that when I moved it to make room for the Christmas tree, the back panel that sticks up broke off! More than a toothpick needed for this repair!

    But I'll remember your trick, because yes, the knobs are quite loose!

  49. So that's why my dad used to have toothpicks in his tool the dresser...simply gorgeous!

  50. I need to do this on a couple of my knobs on antique dressers. Thanks for the tip!! Your chest of drawers is really beautiful.
    Mary Alice

  51. Really? That is all we have to do??
    We have a similar problem, I will try that...nothing else worked!
    Come for a visit.....

  52. I've never heard of this tip before. What a great fix! Gorgeous piece of furniture, btw.

    If you haven't already, I'd love if you'd come join my How To Tuesday link party, too.

  53. That is funny Cindy! Great ida and what a beautiful piece. Thanx for coming to THT last week.

  54. Beautiful piece of furniture. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  55. What a stunning piece of furniture! Wow! Thanks so much for the great tip!

  56. This has to be the best trick ever! We've had problems with some of our older dressed and never could figure out how to fix them. Thanks! Please share your project at each and every week and check out what other creative divas are up to.

  57. Great idea! Thanks for sharing on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
    Hope to see you next time at:


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