
Friday, January 11, 2013


Pottery Barn
After sharing with you about my wrestling and reasoning picture wall, it came to me that I haven’t shared many photographs of our daughters BIG DAY with you.
So, I thought I would.  After all, what mother doesn’t enjoy sharing pictures of her little girl…especially now that she’s all grown up and married!

The day of her bridal portraits was such fun.  Breakfast, her hair appointment and then her makeup, her first wedding bouquet, the excitement as for the first time she is able to slip into her wedding day attire…embellishments and all!


My sweet bundle of joy
(Oh my, I’m already crying. I remember this shot being taken, she was to tiny.  OK momma, snap out of it!)
She’s always been full of smiles and sweetness…
Our little princess…
We are very close and I am so thankful she enjoys spending time with me.
Here we go, she’s all grown up and on her way to getting married…















Thanks so much for visiting so this momma could share some pictures of her girl!
Please leave a comment so I’ll know you did!

I hope you enjoyed these bridals, can’t wait to share photographs of the wedding with you…


  1. There's nothing like a baby girl to warm your heart, huh? MIne came along after two messy, active little boys.... Nuf said..... :)) She's fallen deeply in love with a nice guy who lives in another state. They met last year while she was doing a college exchange program and every time she flies up there to see him I remind her that she owes her momma the chance to give her a nice wedding! No eloping allowed!

  2. Oh my gosh these photos are stunning. I love her bouquet and the shot of her on the sofa. What memories...

  3. She is gorgeous. Hard to pick a favorite image but I love the B&W one. hugs, olive

  4. My computer just did something strange so not sure if my last comment got to you. I just wanted to let you know those pictures of your daughter are amazing. She is such a beautiful bride. I love going back to look at wedding pictures it is fun to relive such a special day. Can't wait to see more.

  5. What a beautiful bride!!! Thanks for visiting The 2 Seasons. When our carrara marble was put in 1.5 years ago, the installer sealed it with a five-year sealer. I don't know the brand nor do I know if it was one that was available only to trade. There have been no stains, but there is etching which is to be expected with carrara. I know that Dupont makes a sealer that has gotten good reviews, but I don't know the exact name of it. I hope this helps.


  6. Cindy-What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful baby/child/girl/bride. She is amazingly beautiful and I bet she is just as sweet on the inside as she is on the outside. Blessings- xo Diana

  7. Just beautiful! We have a shot of our daughter going down the stairs, too.

  8. Hi Cindy,
    thanks so much for sharing them, I was wondering why you weren't. They are so stunning, she is such a beautiful girl with such a beautiful smile. What a great photographer she had too. Love the pic of her on the sofa with
    her dress all spread out. Neat photo, course, they all are .........would be hard pressed to pick a favorite that is for sure.

    Know you are proud of her, as you should be..........isn't it such fun watching them grow up and make their way in the world, painful at times as you miss once was...........but then you just have to keep looking forward to what is and make that good............
    Take Care,
    blessings, Nellie

  9. She looks positively radiant my dear!!!! Your daughter is a princess nd she is so lucky to have you! :)


  10. She is so beautiful in the perfect dress and the loveliest bouquet! Wishing them happiness and joy. Patty/BC

  11. Cindy your daughter is absolutely gorgeous. These photos are amazing. I love the one of her on the couch with her dress spread on each sides, really neat. Happy Friday to you!

  12. Oh my Cindy! Your little girl is beyond beautiful!! What wonderful true keepsakes these pictures are. I just love her dress.

  13. Oh how stunningly beautiful she is!

  14. What a treat to find your blog this morning while I was having my coffee!
    Your daughter is stunningly beautiful and what amazing photographs.

    I am off to read more posts and I am a new follower!

    White Spray Paint

  15. Beautiful Cindy. Thanks for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. She is stunning and I know you are so delighted.

  16. Just found your blog via Pink Saturday...What gorgeous photos.

    I look forward to exploring your blog.

  17. How wonderful! She is very lovely!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Pink!

  18. My goodness she is a gorgeous Princess! Congratulations!!!!

  19. Cindy, your daughter is gorgeous and I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures.

    Have a great day.

  20. Cindy,
    So glad that you shared these wonderful pics...your daughter is one beautiful bride. My fav is the one on the sofa (oh my).


  21. She really does look like a Princess and her wedding day must have been phenomenal! She has the most beautiful smile! It's so wonderful to have lots of good photos of your special day! Sweet hugs!

  22. A beautiful girl in a beautiful dress. Wonderful picdtures!

  23. What beautiful pictures of your beautiful daughter. May she live "Happily Ever After".
    Bear Hugs,

  24. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! ...and that beautiful dress runs a close second! WOW! The pictures and venue are so pretty and enchanting! I know you are overjoyed! Best wishes for a long, happy marriage!

    Sorry I haven't responded yet to your sweet comments! Been crazy busy the past few weeks, and I'm so behind! But I do appreciate them! :)

  25. Oh, she's beautiful! You must be one proud Momma! Best wishes to her and her husband.
    I took your advice on downloading Google Chrome and it worked! Thank you!
    sandy from Hob Nobbers ; )

  26. Your daughter is so beautiful and she's glowing in her wedding dress! What's best for a mother to be so close to her daughter, wish my daughter will also enjoy spending time with me in the future!

  27. Such beautiful photos and your daughter is beautiful too. You are so lucky to be so close. A Mom and a friend.

  28. So very, very beautiful! No wonder you wanted to show her off :) Thanks for sharing, visiting from Savvy Southern Style.


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!