
Monday, January 16, 2012


Dwellings     House Tour   Homearama
Welcome to Home #2!
This house is a bit more traditional than the first.
Come on in and take a peek...

Welcome to the formal dining room.
The chandelier is absolutely beautiful,
the wall color so soft, and the chairs...very stylish!

The fireplace makes such a statement in this room of silvery gray, black and white!

The swirl pattern on the pillows and ottoman add such a soft touch...

Just a note as we continue touring...
This is the first homearama that I have attended where signs, flyers and business cards were all throughout the home. Most tours have notebooks in the kitchen along with a representative who is available for any interest guests may have in finishes, furnishings, etc.
In these homes there were big signs, little signs, every kind of sign and all throughout; on the beds, end tables,
kitchen table and counters, bathrooms...everywhere!
There were ropes too! Ropes were hung to keep folks from walking into rooms, from sitting on furniture and beds!

It made the homes look a bit messy and took away from the ambiance...just sayin'!
I tried to crop them out of pictures as best I could.

This home has a stylish kitchen too!
The back wall is completely tiled, has open shelves and the lighting from the range hood makes everything just shine!

What do you think about these cabinets...would you like this feature in your kitchen?  I am kind of short,so I'm not sure that it would work for me.

The next room would be great for playing games and just hanging out!

Now, on to the bedrooms...

Beautiful toile window treatments, bedding and pillows make for a very sweet nursery!  Oh, and velveteen rabbits too!!!

The master bath was very nice.  You can see the reflection of the TV which is located in a built in shelving unit.
And a freestanding tub, very nice!

The master shower was very unique.  You step up onto a platform to find cubbies and  towel racks on the left side wall.  Then you step down into the shower area, which is not fully enclosed...entry is along the back wall.

I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Here is HOME TOUR #1 if you'd like to take a peek!
Thanks so much for visiting and for your sweet comments!


  1. What a great blog entry. You spent a lot of time on it. I love going to these marathon home tours because you can often see the latest fabrics and trends before we everyday folks have tried them. I enjoyed the photos much.

  2. I am enjoying these tours. So far, I like House #1 best. I like the way it is furnished, and I like the kitchen better.

    I agree with you, Cindy: I am not sold on the kitchen cabinets in this one.

    I love your header, by the pretty.

  3. I love these home tours, Cindy. You can get so many ideas from them. Your new Header is wonderful!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  4. That's a beautiful house. Interesting that everything was roped off, it's probably a wave of the future though.
    I especially liked the Velveteen Rabbit bedroom and the dice with a golf ball lamp.
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. This is a terrific house - you can get some wonderful ideas! I love the shades used for the chandelier!
    Thanks for taking us along!

  6. I love seeing these home tours. I like this one even with the signs. The little nursery is so sweet!

    My brother's home has very high cabinets too. He's 6'4" and usually complains about normal height things being too short for him, so he did not think anything about the height of his cabinets. I told him when he sells the place, no woman will want that house because they will not be able to reach anything in thei kitchen!

    Those signs were distracting I think because they were so big and colorful. The home tours I've been on have signs all over the place too but usually they are all the same size/font/design and they aren't smack in the middle of the design. You notice them, but they don't distract from anything. They usually have a person in each room to answer questions about the companies promoting the room too.

    Have a great day, my friend.

  7. That's ashamed they have to put signs everywhere. That does take away from the look. Nice home, but more contemporary and not my style.

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  8. Thanks for the tour, our little town only has one a year, and it's terrible!

  9. Cindy,
    I just wanted to tell you that I did a Faith post today. Please stop by and see it when you get a chance...I think you will like it. Have a lovely week.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  10. great stuff :) you posts/pics are so very neat and chic!

  11. your furniture collection is awesome.


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