
Monday, October 24, 2011


We've been having some really nice weather so I went for a stroll.  Here is a glimpse of the fall garden...


 Hope you enjoyed the stroll with me.  So, what's in your fall garden?


  1. Your gardens look gorgeous. Much prettier than mine right now.

  2. Cindy, you have so much going on right now in your garden! I am posting about mine later in the week, but I mostly only have camellias and roses blooming. Your photos are stunning!!!

  3. Your fall garden is just lovely ~ thanks for taking us on a stroll. My garden is brown and yucky right now. We've had days and days of rain. Oh well, the sun will shine soon I hope ~ ;-)

  4. Wow these pictures are amazing you need to frame them. I love the leaf and the colors so pretty!

  5. You have some beautiful flowers in your garden Cindy. I love those pastel pink flowers with the mottled green leaves, and of course your kitty is adorable! Our plants finally came out a week or two ago after the weather cooled down, so it looks a bit strange to see pink roses in full bloom on one side of the yard with changing leaves on the other. After the dry summer, it's nice to finally see some color though!

  6. Beautiful photos, Cindy! What type of camera do you use?

  7. Cindy, your surrounded by beauty. Seems we are having the same glorious weather. Your photos are stunning. Such beautiful flowers in bloom in October. You certainly have a talent with the camera. The kitty is a camera ham........Have a great week.

    The French Hutch

  8. Everything looks absolutely beautiful Cindy! Our roses are finally done blooming but the fall colors around our house are incredible. I feel like we are at the peek right now and I'm trying to enjoy it before everything becomes sticks and twigs. LOL!

  9. Your fall garden is really beautiful. Mine is pretty much dead and torn out or cut out. Your lovely blossoms almost makes me wish I lived in a warm place where winter seldom really appears...almost, but not quite. I love our winter weather.
    Hugs, Cindy

  10. What a lucky cat to have so lovely a garden to chase critters in):-

    Has been two day since I was in my own. Tomorrow I shall have to get a closer look.

  11. Your garden flowers are so pretty, especially the sweet pink rose.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. Your fall garden is quite beautiful, here in IL there's not a lot left. Beautiful!

  13. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful photographs of you garden flowers. I only have a few roses still blooming. I know they won't last long, so I took a stroll this afternoon, too.

  14. OMG your gardens are gorgeous!!! I especially love your fur flower!!! lol
    It does my heart good to tour around the gardens that are linked into my little party...I so wish every one of the people who share lived close enough that I could walk the gardens in person. Thank you so much for sharing with me this week...I hope you will again very soon!
    I am sharing this post on my Tootsie Time Facebook page as well!!!!
    Hugs and smiles from Alberta Canada to you!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  15. Hi, those are very beautiful photos of your lovely flowers. I have also the same impatiens, i almost posted it in this Fertilizer Friday post. They look so alive and happy, aren't they? Made me smile.

  16. Love your blog, Cindy...lovely flowers, elegant blog presentation...I'm following.

  17. Enjoyed the cyber tour of your lovely garden.
    Joyce M

  18. Lovely soothing shots. The first shot of rose is most captivating.

  19. You have a beautiful garden! I enjoyed the has been really nice here today...except last night the Santa Ana winds came and are blowing like crazy now!

  20. A beautiful kitty and lots of gorgeous flower shots make for the perfect post. Your captures are stunning. Lovely photography. genie

  21. Except for the few images with actual "fall" colors, one would think this was a tour of a SPRING garden, Cindy. We had a gorgeous autumn show here for several weeks, but now it is all gone and BROWN has become the dominant color.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday this week.

    I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving, Cindy!
    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


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