
Monday, September 5, 2011


Most of the furniture pieces in our home have been collected over time.
We've bought a new piece here and there,
but most have been picked up at antique shops and auctions.

My favorite pieces are those that have been passed down to us from family,
special pieces that hold memories of days gone by.

This cabinet was purchased new from a local store here in town.
It's been in this spot for a long time but is being moved to make room for something new to me.

(Both of the pictures above are pre-blogging pictures, notice the McDonald's bag and drink!)

Mom recently asked me if I would like to have a corner hutch that belonged to my Aunt Myrtle...
I'm sure you know my answer!

It has been filled with sentimental pieces from my childhood,
a doll and a few porcelain pieces that belonged to my Granny,
and most recently a Precious Moments figurine given to me when our kitty Sugar passed away.

 Actually, these Limoges china cups and saucers were picked up for pennies at an auction,
so no sentimental value, just pretty.

This is the other side of the den...

(Another pre-blogging picture...see that flash in the mirror.)

  You've probably noticed that my favorite color

On the left side of the fireplace are built-in shelves that were here when we moved in.
It was originally dark brown,
and I wanted to brighten it up a bit,
so I painted it white and added some red fabric to the back of each shelf.

Aunt Myrtle's hutch won't receive much daylight in this spot,
so I was thinking...


maybe I should brighten it up a bit by adding a light colored fabric to the back of the shelves?
Would love to hear your thoughts.

Love your sweet comments, so please leave one...



  1. I think the McDonald's bag adds that special touch. lol I love that corner hutch, and all your sentimental treasures. Your home looks so inviting, and comfortable.

  2. I love that hutch ~ I had one and I traded it one day for another cupboard ~ I still miss it. Love your home ~ so inviting ;-)

  3. Love the hutch! Yes, I think some light color fabric on the back of the shelves would definitely lighten up the cabinet.
    I'm loving your curtains, pillow and table clothe. Did you make them?

  4. Cindy,
    This family piece is sweet that it was passed on to you and thanks for sharing it at my party.


  5. I think it is beautiful and very special. Your room is so pretty Cindy and happy. I love that red couch. We have never really gone to a furniture store and bought a living room in it's entirety...we build as we go and the room just evolved over time.

  6. Cindy your home is beautiful!
    Your curtains are stunning!
    Love all your special pieces throughout your home!

    Deborah xoxo

  7. Your hutch is beautiful! I love the dark wood but, i culd see switching out the back walls of the cabinet occasionally to lighten it up when you want. Painted or fabric cvered cut foam board is perfect for that and not permanent.

  8. The corner hutch is very nice and I find I like the red in your den. I'm not really a red person but you have decorated so tastefully, I find it appealing.

  9. Cindy, I think that the hutch is pretty, and I like it when people put fabric in the back of shelves. I like that look, so I say go for it, especially if it has red in it. Red is my favorite color, and I like how you have used it in your pretty room.

  10. You were so lucky to received a wonderful family piece. It's beautiful!

  11. I like the way you acquire furniture pieces for your home....we do the same....the collected look. That is a gorgeous piece your mom gave you! Yes, the fabric on the inside is an easy way to brighten it without permanently changing the wood. Beautiful room. Linda

  12. SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! Your livingroom is so romantically lovely.

    Deborah (happily visiting from

    {Hope you can drop by...}

  13. Very classy and pretty room!
    I love your furniture and how you've used red!
    Thanks for sharing,

  14. Hello Cindy,
    I visited your blog today. I saw you on Art @ Home. Isn't Ricki Jill the sweetest? Your blog is so pretty and charming, and your photos are lovely. As I was scrolling down, I noticed the corner chest. That is beautiful, and I've always preferred dark wood. I liked your red chairs, and I see you have alot of that color in your decor. Red is a favorite of mine, and if you go to our blog, you will see why. Me and my daughters just started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would really enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your wonderful ideas. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. Your room is so pretty. Cozy warm and homey!


  16. That is such a pretty room. A light fabric might be just the thing for the back of the china cabinet.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. I just found your blog today and I had such a nice time visiting! You have great taste and I love all of your hutch, it's truly awesome! I'll be back!


  18. Cindy! This is exciting! I love family heirlooms the best! Fabric backing would be lovely! Little lights here and there too - battery operated candles maybe! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with A Return to Loveliness,

  19. I love the red floral fabric table cover and pillows, but what I really like is your doll collection. You've probably seen me mention on my blog that I've been a doll lover since childhood.

    If I were you, I'd add some fabric to the hutch. In fact, I have a dark hutch that I'm considering doing this too as well. Just hard to see all your pretties with such a dark closed in area like these hutches are. I'm sure you'll make it fabulous when done though!

  20. Pretty hutch. Family heirlooms are always welcome in my home.

  21. What a magical presence your room has... I love the vibrance of the red. The room seems to be alive with energy and happiness...Every piece of furniture has purpose and heart... When looking at your cabinet , I though afew mirrors might do the trick if you want alittle more light, but I think it's so lovely just the way it is too.... I truly enjoyed your post.thanks for sharing....Hugs

  22. Cindy,
    Your hutch is lovely and so special that it's a family piece! Your living room is so warm and cozy, what a comfortable place to spend time! Love your red sofa, mine is red also!
    Thanks for visiting!

  23. Oh I love red too. Wish I had started with red way back..Your home is so pretty..I could sit there for hours...
    Enjoy time...


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!