
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yes, it's my Birthday.
I was trying to forget this one, REALLY...I have been trying VERY HARD to forget this one!
But Mr. Heart, with his BIG sweet heart, wanted to do something special for me.
Something extra special for this MOST MONUMENTAL occasion!
And he pulled it off, with some help from family and friends, it was a BIG SURPRISE!

Tweety Bird has been my nick name since the day I was born.  This balloon is from my dad.  He said that when he entered the store he noticed the big Tweety Bird flying high and just had to get it for me! 

Yes, I was trying to forget this one, but it was such a sweet surprise and I will remember it forever!

I am married to the most amazingly kind and thoughtful man...thank you Sweetie, for making everyday special!  What a blessing you are!!!

Tweety Bird


  1. Morning Cindy,
    Happy Happy Birthday Hon!!
    So glad your hubby had the great forsight to make it such a special day for you! Love that Tweety
    Bird balloon, how adorable, and so sweet coming from your Daddy. Hey, your just a spring chicken anyway!! lol So glad you enjoyed your day!!
    and good going hubby!!

    Have a Sweet Day for a Sweet Girl!
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Happy Birthday, my birthday buddy!!! I am so happy you had a nice day. I love your nickname, and your dad rocks!!! :D

  3. Wishing you a very happy birthday! You have a very thoughtful and sweet husband! Have a wonderful day celebrating!

  4. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 50 and over crowd. It only gets better from here on out.

  5. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my home tour! So nice to meet you via the tour and I'm following you back!

    A belated happy Birthday!! The big 50 is coming up for me in a few months too. Yikes!

    bee blessed

  6. Happy Birthday. Lucky you to have such a special celebration.

    I appreciate your comment on my Royal Wedding Breakfast Part I and thought you might like to know that Part II is up now.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. Happy b-day & welcome to the fabulous at 50 club! :) You have a cutie dog too!

  8. Happy belated birthday!! 50 was a hard one for me, but I promise you sure don't look it!

  9. Sending you belated Happy Birthday wishes ~ so glad you had a lovely day :-)

    I too will be turning 50 next month!


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!