
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today was a great day!  My best friend and I went out to eat lunch and then headed out to a couple of shops to see what we could find!

I have always loved Occupied Japan figurines, a love I acquired from my Granny.  Granny had so many sweet pieces around her home and as a child I loved looking at each beautiful piece, admiring all the fancy ladies in their beautiful dresses.  I would pretend, hope and dream of the day when I would meet my Prince Charming.

I was so happy to find this pair of figurines, a mirror image of each other.

I so enjoy these sweet figurines and all the wonderful memories they bring of my Granny! 
I am also so thankful that all my hopes and dreams came prince charming is amazing!

Love your sweet comments...


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  1. I have one of those, too. My prince charming is a rock star :D LOVE him!

  2. love the figurines and that is so sweet that it reminds you of your granny~ my prince charming is my dream come true as well ;-)

  3. Hi Cindy,
    Those figurines are really lovely! How fun to find two just alike only mirror images!
    I'm very grateful for my Prince Charming, too!
    Hugs, Cindy

  4. Very pretty and romantic. It is wonderful you got them from your Grandmother. So wonderful to remember her by.

  5. Very sweet!
    I love nostagic ornaments too :-)
    bless you..Trish

  6. Love these figurines!!! It is wonderful how they bring back wonderful childhood memories...that's the best part!!
    Pamela xo

  7. What a beautiful set to bring such wonderful memories for you... I LOVE THEM!!!
    Hugs, Donna

  8. Beautiful exquisite pieces, Cindy...Christine

  9. Hi,
    visiting you for the first time today and so enjoyed seeing your figurines.
    Finding a matching pair must be serendipity.

  10. How unique that they are mirror images! Lovely!

  11. Morning Cindy,
    Isn't it so neat the memories of things like that we have from childhood, that bring such warmth to our hearts.
    Love hearing ladies lift up and brag about their hubbies, that seems to be a lost art in this day and age we live love hearing it.
    I love my prince charming too, he is a great guy too!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend hon,
    Blessings Abundant, Nellie

  12. Hi Cindy, Had to come over and catch up on your blog. These are a pretty pair.
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    ~ Julie

  13. Hi Cindy, My grandma had these too, and her pieces got my addiction started. So glad you shared them, thanks for linking up with VIF!
    big hugs,

  14. To me, the best part of finding "treasures" are the memories attached. Very nice find. Very special memories. Thank you for following me.

  15. Looks like you have some wonderful finds !!!
    Thanks for sharing

  16. Hi Cindy...

    Ohhh...your frenchy figurines really are beautiful! I just love things like this! So happy for you...and finding a pair...even better!!! Thanks for sharing your pretties with us today!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  17. Happy Pink Saturday!
    You are a lucky girl to find the pain and in such wonderful condition. I love their sweet faces!

  18. You are lucky if you can find things made in Occupied Japan now. If you do, the are expensive. I have a few pieces, but none like yours.

  19. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share today. These figurines are just exquisite. They are so detailed, right down to their lips. I love the pink neck to the gentleman, so unique and beautiful. They appear to be having such a wonderful time.

    I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I can't wait to see what you share next. Please stop over and say hello. I am having a giveaway, and would love to have you sign up as well.

    Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs, Sherry

  20. They are so pretty and doubly sweet that you can look at them and remember your Granny! Happy Pink Saturday

  21. What a fabulous find ... mirror image figurines. They are gorgeous, Cindy.

    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  22. Those are just beautiful and look so lovely. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  23. Love your memories. So much nicer to have a Prince Charming, than a frog! Your newest follower, Niki

  24. Great finds, especially since you found a matched pair.
    I'm living with my Prince Charming. ;-)
    Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah

  25. My mom is a fool for figurines! She would love to see this post of yours.

  26. How darling are those! So pretty and sweet and with special memories too! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  27. They are so beautiful and what sweet memories they give you of your grandmother! Thank you for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!

    Heather @At The Picket Fence

  28. I love these figurines! They remind me of an elderly man that my mother cared for in his last days. His home had been in family for nearly a hundred years and the antiques inside were mind boggeling. I can remember laying on the floor and looking up at the carved wood tables with little chandeliers and figurines sitting ontop. I would imagine the dances the figurines danced and the music played....Thanks for bringing back such fun memories!

  29. They are beautiful. I believe my mother-in-law had some very similar figurines.

  30. Great simple pleasure and they are beautiful..besides they remind you of a precious love one.

  31. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks so much for checking out my blog and leaving a comment...I'm so greatful and hope to establish a following in the upcoming months. Lots of ideas and projects to share and I continue to get inspiration and support from women like you and your beautiful blog.
    - Mariaelena :)


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!