
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Remembering Sugar and Thankful!

Good with words, a writer...nope, not me.  

I ponder much...
I am always thinking, wondering, and keep most things very close to my heart.
(Maybe too close.)

I am keenly aware...
Aware that that life is amazing.
But, that it can be full of surprises.  Some magical and some not so nice.
I am aware that life can be full of bliss; but also painful and at times devastating.

I am blessed...
Blessed in more ways than there is time to share. 
So thankful, for so many reasons.
Knowing that on my worst day...the sun will shine, I am blessed with breath in my lungs, and the God of the universe knows and loves me.

WORDS...Finding the right words!
Why is it so difficult to find the right words?  Those that will truly relay your thoughts, dreams, wishes, and feelings?
Maybe, just maybe, it is because there are no words that can truly capture the heart.
The deep, thankful, far reaching expanse of the heart.

You may remember, On January 15, 2011, our hearts were broken when we lost our SUGAR.

It was so difficult, but there are those that do all they can to make things better...

My cousin Sheila and I are best friend cousins! 
Only one month apart in birth, our hearts have been forever joined.
We are truly kindred spirits.

Though we live in different states, as things were worsening for Sugar, it was Sheila consoling me.  Calling to check on Sugar, giving me advice (she's been there before) and praying for Sugar and me.  I don't know what I would have done without her!
Knowing how difficult it has been losing Sugar and being a cat lover herself...remember we are kindred spirits...
She always knows exactly what to do, say and how to just "be there"!
Sheila did the sweetest thing...
I received a package
"Sugar and Me"

There are no words...What a blessing!

Here is the tribute link if you'd like to see it Sugar, We Will Forever Miss You

 Click Here

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  1. Oh you have brought tears to my eyes Cindy ~ That is just the most precious gift~! You are truly blessed to have Sheila. Blessing to you today

  2. Hi Cindy...I just went back and read your tribute to Sugar about Rainbow Bridge. I had never seen it before and I must admit that tears were streaming down my face. We have a little dog who's almost 3 and the thought of her NOT being here is almost more than I can take. I am a firm believer in the concept that when God closes a door...somewhere he opens a window. I hope that somewhere there is a little kitty who needs you. Not to take Sugar's place, but to perhaps fill an empty place in your heart. Thank you so much for sharing. I am a new blogger and not a day goes by that I don't read something touching or inspiring. ~Ann

  3. What a beautiful thoughtful gift. It's so hard losing a pet and this is a nice way to remember Sugar.

  4. Cindy,
    This gift was so sweet of your cousin to send you...sounds like she is a very SPECIAL are so lucky to have her in your life. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend.


  5. What a sweet way to remember your precious Sugar.

  6. Dear Cindy, You say you cannot find the words. But oh, you have and they are just beautiful.

    What a heartwarming post. I cannot imaginge losing my KiKi girl.

    You are so fortunate to have a kindrid spirit. The gift was so beautiful and I could tell meant the world to you.

    Sugar is just beautiful.

    Blessings and hugs,


  7. Your cousin rocks! How did she find such a perfect little figurine for you? This post is so touching, Cindy! I love reading stories about close families. What a blessing!

    Ricki Jill

  8. Cindy,
    What a sweet thing for her to do, I adore that lil figurine and the look on the kitties face is priceless. So adorable!
    Made me weep!
    Hope yall are getting adjusted, it does take a bit.
    Blessings of sweet peace to you and yours,

  9. Dear Cindy,

    I am soo sorry for your loss of darling Sugar. I know exactly the pain you went through. My beloved cat passed just this past September at 15yrs. I don't know what happened ..she had a seizure in the summer and was never the same. How ironic that we have the same type of relationship with our cousin! Mine also is like a sister to me and a huge cat lover as well. It pained us both when my Kachina passed.
    Unless you are a pet lover you cannot know the pain that comes with losing them.
    I hope in time you find comfort in your memories of takes a long time to heal!
    Pamela xo

  10. Hi Cindy ~ how well I remember you losing your sweet Sugar. It was right after I lost my sweet old Tessa. Nothing fills the void, but the memories and unconditional love they gave us will always remain in our hearts. What an incredibly thoughtful gift your SIL sent you. She is certainly a blessing in your life, isn't she? ♥
    Hugs to you ~

    xoxo laurie

  11. That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen! Oh my heart breaks every time I hear about a pet loss, I am such an animal lover. I just wish they lived longer like elephants, it is just not fair that we always out live out little furry loves.


  12. It's great you have a kindred cousin. Sorry to hear about Sugar; such a gorgeous kitty!
    Blessings to you today!
    ~ Julie

  13. Oh how sweet! That's darling! I lost my cat a couple years back - she looked an aweful lot like Sugar - her name was Valentine - a gift on Valentines from my Dearest many years ago! I remember how white, small and fluffy she was.
    God Bless,

  14. Our furbabies are such precious treasures. Beautiful gift in remembrance of your Sugar.

  15. Oh my, Cindy, this is just the sweetest thing! I have such a soft spot in my heart for cats, so I was already touched by your little sweet Sugar. But this is just PERFECT! What a beautiful gift from a beautiful cousin/friend.


  16. Oh, Cindy! How sweet of your cousin to send you this little Precious Moments figurine! I've been where you are and it's not easy but how wonderful to have all the sweet memories of your darling little Sugar in your heart for always.
    Shelia ;)

  17. Oh, how sweet. What a sweet treasure to remember your precious furry friend. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Such a sweet cousin. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Lovely blog...lovely heart~~Blessings~~Shine

  20. I read through your post. Sugar was so sweet. I'm sorry this may bring your sadness but I'm sure she's ever be remembered. I write this as I also lost my Tigr on 7 Aug all in a sudden. We're sorrow. We still have Mogi - a Chincilla looks like your Sugar. So I write this. God blessing you.


Your visits make my day and so do your sweet comments. Thank You!